
Menüü Lisamine sisaldab käske dokumenti uute elementide lisamiseks. Nende all on mõeldud pilte, multimeediat, diagramme, objekte teistest rakendustest, hüperlinke, märkusi, erimärke, allmärkusi ja sektsioone.


Lisab kursori asukohta leheküljepiiri ja viib siis kursori järgmise lehekülje algusesse.

Manuaalne piir

Inserts a manual line break, column break or a page break at the current cursor position.


Inserts an image into the current document .


The submenu presents various sources that an image, audio or video can be insert from.


Sisestab lahtri, tabelivahemiku või näidisandmete põhjal koostatud diagrammi.


Inserts an embedded object into your document, including formulas, 3D models, charts and OLE objects.


Selle alammenüü kaudu saab dokumenti sisestada tavalisi kujundeid nagu sirglõik, ring, kolmnurk või ruut ning sümbolkujundeid nagu naerunägu, süda või lill.


Opens the Fontwork dialog from which you can insert styled text not possible through standard font formatting into your document.


Draws a text box with horizontal text direction where you drag in the current document. Drag a text box to the size you want anywhere in the document, and then type or paste your text. Rotate the text box to get rotated text.


Inserts a comment around the selected text or at the current cursor position.


This submenu contains both interactive and non-interactive means of inserting a frame.


Adds a numbered caption to a selected image, table, chart, frame, or shape. You can also access this command by right-clicking the item that you want to add the caption to.


Opens a dialog that enables you to create and edit hyperlinks.


Inserts a bookmark at the cursor position. You can then use the Navigator to quickly jump to the marked location at a later time. In an HTML document, bookmarks are converted to anchors that you can jump to from a hyperlink.


This is where you insert the references or referenced fields into the current document. References are referenced fields within the same document or within sub-documents of a master document.

Special Character

Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.

Formatting Mark

Opens a submenu to insert special formatting marks like non-breaking space, soft hyphen, and optional break.


Lisab kursori asukohta rõhtjoone.

All- ja lõpumärkused

The menu contains commands to insert a footnote or endnote with or without additional user interaction.

Table of Contents and Index

Opens a menu to insert an index or bibliography entry, as well as inserting a table of contents, index, and or bibliography.


Lisab kursori asukohale väljana aktiivse lehekülje numbri. Vaikimisi kasutatakse märgistiili Leheküljenumber.


The submenu lists the most common field types that can be inserted into a document at the current cursor position. To view all of the available fields, choose More Fields.

Header and Footer

This submenu includes commands to add and remove page headers and footers.


Inserts a text section at the cursor position in the document. You can also select a block of text and then choose this command to create a section. You can use sections to insert blocks of text from other documents, to apply custom column layouts, or to protect or to hide blocks of text if a condition is met.


Creates an envelope. On three tab pages, you can specify the addressee and sender, the position and format for both addresses, the size of the envelope, and the envelope orientation.


Inserts the contents of another document into the current document at the cursor position.


Inserts a script at the current cursor position in an HTML or text document.

Vormi juhtelemendid

See alammenüü sisaldab vormi juhtelemente, mida saab dokumenti lisada, nt tekstikast, märkeruut, valikunupp, loendikast.