
Need käsud mõjuvad aktiivsele dokumendile, nendega saab avada uue dokumendi või rakenduse sulgeda.


Creates a new LibreOffice document.


Opens a local or remote file, or imports one.

Open Remote...

Opens a document located in a remote file service.

Recent Documents

Lists the most recently opened files. To open a file in the list, click its name.


Closes the current document without exiting the program.


Guides you through creating business and personal letters, faxes, agendas, presentations, and more.


Lets you organize and edit your templates, as well as save the current file as a template.


Replaces the current document with the last saved version.


Saves and organizes multiple versions of the current document in the same file. You can also open, delete, and compare previous versions.


Saves the current document.

Save Remote...

Saves a document located in a remote file service.

Save As

Saves the current document in a different location, or with a different file name or file type.

Save All

Saves all modified LibreOffice documents.

Save a Copy

Save a copy of the actual document with another name or location.


Saves the current document with a different name and format to a location that you specify.

Export As...

Export the document in PDF or EPUB formats


Sends a copy of the current document to different applications.

Eelvaade veebibrauseris

Loob aktiivsest dokumendist ajutise HTML-vormingus koopia, käivitab süsteemi veebibrauseri ja kuvab HTML-faili veebibrauseris.

Printimise eelvaade

Avab prinditava lehekülje eelvaate või sulgeb selle.


Prints the current document, selection, or the pages that you specify. You can also set the print options for the current document. The printing options can vary according to the printer and the operating system that you use.

Printer Settings

Select the default printer for the current document.

Document Properties

Displays the properties for the current file, including statistics such as word count and the date the file was created.


Lisab dokumendile digiallkirjad või eemaldab need. Võimalik on kasutada ka sertifikaatide vaatamise dialoogi.


Closes all LibreOffice programs and prompts you to save your changes. This command does not exist on macOS systems.