
Writeris on leheküljenumber soovi korral teksti lisatav väli.

To Insert Page Numbers

Choose Insert - Field - Page Number to insert a page number at the current cursor position.

Nõuande ikoon

If you see the text "Page number" instead of the number, choose View - Field names.

Need väljad muudavad aga asukohta, kui teksti lisada või eemaldada. Seepärast on parem lisada leheküljenumber päisesse või jalusesse, kus see asub alati ühes kindlas kohas ning kordub leheküljelt leheküljele.

Choose Insert - Header and Footer - Header - (name of page style) or Insert - Header and Footer - Footer - (name of page style) to add a header or footer to all pages with the current page style.

To Start With a Defined Page Number

Leheküljenumbreid saab mitut moodi vormindada. Oletame, et kirjutad dokumenti, mis peab algama leheküljega 12.

  1. Klõpsa dokumendi esimese lõigu sees.

  2. Vali Vormindus - Lõik - Tekstivoog.

  3. In the Breaks area, enable Insert. Enable With Page Style just to be able to set the new Page number. Click OK.

Märkuse ikoon

Uus leheküljenumber on lehekülje esimese lõigu atribuut.

To Format the Page Number Style

Soovid rooma numbreid alates I, II, III, IV jne.

  1. Double-click directly before the page number field. You see the Edit Fields dialog.

  2. Select a number format and click OK.

Using Different Page Number Styles

Sul on vaja mõnel leheküljel kasutada rooma numbreid, ülejäänutel aga mingit muud stiili.

In Writer, you will need different page styles. The first page style has a footer with a page number field formatted for roman numbers. The following page style has a footer with a page number field formatted in another look.

Both page styles must be separated by a page break. In Writer, you can have automatic page breaks and manually inserted page breaks.

It depends on your document what is best: to use a manually inserted page break between page styles, or to use an automatic change. If you just need one title page with a different style than the other pages, you can use the automatic method:

To Apply a Different Page Style to the First Page

  1. Klõpsa dokumendi esimesel leheküljel.

  2. Choose View - Styles.

  3. In the Styles window, click the Page Styles icon.

  4. Tee topeltklõps stiilil "Esimene lehekülg".

Nüüd on tiitellehel stiil "Esimene lehekülg" ning järgmistel lehekülgedel automaatselt stiil "Vaikimisi".

You can now for example insert a footer for the "Default" page style only, or insert footers in both page styles, but with differently formatted page number fields.

To Apply a Manually Inserted Page Style Change

  1. Click at the start of the first paragraph on the page where a different page style will be applied.

  2. Choose Insert - Manual Break. You see the Insert Break dialog.

  3. In the Style list box, select a page style. You may set a new page number, too. Click OK.

The selected page style will be used from the current paragraph to the next page break with style. You may need to create the new page style first.

Inserting Page Numbers in Footers

About Headers and Footers

Alternating Page Styles on Odd and Even Pages

Creating a Page Style Based on the Current Page

Inserting a Chapter Name and Number in a Header or a Footer

Formatting Headers or Footers