Using Captions

In text documents, you can add continuously numbered captions to graphics, tables, frames, and drawing objects.

You can edit the text and the number ranges for different types of captions.

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When you add a caption to a picture or to an object, the object and the caption text are placed together in a new frame. When you add a caption to a table, the caption text is inserted as a paragraph next to the table. When you add a caption to a frame, the caption text is added to the text inside the frame, either before or after the existing text.

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Objekti ja pealdise liigutamiseks koos lohista neid mõlemat sisaldavat paneeli. Pealdiste nummerduse värskendamiseks pärast paneeli liigutamist vajuta F9.

To define a caption proceed as follows:

  1. Select the item that you want to add a caption to.

  2. Choose Insert - Caption.

  3. Select the options that you want, and then click OK. If you want, you can also enter different text in the Category box, for example Figure.

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You can edit caption text directly in the document.

A caption is formatted with the paragraph style that matches the name of the caption category. For example, if you insert a "Table" caption, the "Table" paragraph style is applied to the caption text.

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LibreOffice can automatically add a caption when you insert an object, graphic, frame, or table. Choose - LibreOffice Writer - AutoCaption.

Adding Chapter Numbers to Captions

Numbering and Numbering Styles

Adding Bullets

Adding Numbering

Turning off Bullets and Numbering for Individual Paragraphs

Combining Numbered Lists

Defining Number Ranges