Instructions for Using LibreOffice Impress

LibreOffice'i üldisi teemasid sisaldavatel abilehekülgedel on juhised, mis kehtivad kõikide moodulite kohta, näiteks akende ja menüüde kasutamine, LibreOffice'i kohandamine, andmeallikad, Galerii ja objektide lohistamine.

Kui vajad abi mõne teise mooduli kohta, siis vali vastav moodul navigatsiooniala ülaservas olevast rippmenüüst.

Viewing and Printing a Presentation

Slaidiseansi esitamine

Changing the Slide Order

Animating Slide Transitions

Changing the Slide Background Fill

Creating a Custom Slide Show

Zooming With the Keypad

Rehearse Timings of Slide Changes

Printimine vähendatud andmetega

Animated Objects and 3D Objects

Animating Objects in Presentation Slides

Creating Animated GIF Images

Exporting Animations in GIF Format

Selecting Underlying Objects

Converting 2D Objects to Curves, Polygons, and 3D Objects

Importing and Exporting

Importing HTML Pages Into Presentations

Saving a Presentation in HTML Format

Loading Color, Gradient, and Hatching Lists

Loading Line and Arrow Styles

Printing Presentations

Printing a Slide to Fit a Paper Size

Opening documents saved in other formats

Saving Documents in Other Formats


Using Shortcut Keys in LibreOffice Impress

Objektide rühmitamine

Inserting, Editing, Saving Bitmaps

Vorminduse kopeerimine

Otsese vorminduse tühistamine dokumendis

Changing the Slide Background Fill

Adding a Header or a Footer to All Slides

Teksti kujundamine ilukirjaga

Zooming With the Keypad

Drawing Curves

Editing Curves

Liimpunktide kasutamine

Copying Slides From Other Presentations

Including Spreadsheets in Slides

Converting Text Characters into Drawing Objects

Converting Bitmap Images into Vector Graphics

Applying Line Styles Using the Toolbar

Defining Line Ends

Defining Line Styles

LibreOffice Draw' kasutamise juhendid