Shortcut Keys for LibreOffice Impress

The following is a list of shortcut keys for LibreOffice Impress.

You can also use the general shortcut keys in LibreOffice.

Märkuse ikoon

Mõned kiirklahvidest võivad olla kasutusel töölaua keskkonnas. Töölaua keskkonna poolt kasutatavaid kiirklahve ei saa LibreOffice kasutada. Proovi omistada LibreOffice'ile dialoogi Tööriistad - Kohanda - Klaviatuur abil muud kiirklahvid või muuda töölaua keskkonna kiirklahve.

Function Keys for LibreOffice Impress

Shortcut Keys



Edit text.


Enter Group.


Exit Group.




Position and Size


View Slide Show.








Edit Points.


Fit text to frame.


Shortcut Keys in Slide Shows

Shortcut Keys



End presentation.

Spacebar or Right arrow or Down arrow or Page Down or Enter or Return or N

Play next effect (if any, else go to next slide).

+Page Down

Go to next slide without playing effects.

[number] + Enter

Type a number of a slide and press Enter to go to the slide.

Nool vasakule või Nool üles või Page Up või Backspace või P

Eelmine efekt esitatakse uuesti; kui slaidil pole eelmist efekti, näidatakse eelmist slaidi

+Page Up

Go to the previous slide without playing effects.


Jump to first slide in the slide show.


Jump to the last slide in the slide show.

+ Page Up

Go to the previous slide.

+ Page Down

Go to the next slide.

B or .

Show black screen until next key or mouse wheel event.

W or ,

Show white screen until next key or mouse wheel event.

Shortcut Keys in the Normal View

Shortcut Keys


Plus(+) Key

Zoom in.

Minus(-) Key

Zoom out.

Times(×) Key (number pad)

Fit page in window.

Divide(÷) Key (number pad)

Zoom in on current selection.


Group selected objects.


Ungroup selected group.

+ click

Enter a group, so that you can edit the individual objects of the group. Click outside the group to return to the normal view.

Shift++ K

Combine selected objects.

Shift++ K

Split selected object. This combination only works on an object that was created by combining two or more objects.

+ Plus key

Bring to Front.

Shift++ Plus key

Bring Forward.

+ Minus key

Send Backward.

Shift++ Minus key

Send to Back.

Shortcut Keys when Editing Text

Shortcut Keys



Soft hyphens; hyphenation set by you.

+Shift+minus sign (-)

Non-breaking hyphen (is not used for hyphenation)


Non-breaking spaces. Non-breaking spaces are not used for hyphenation and are not expanded if the text is justified.


Line break without paragraph change

Arrow Left

Move cursor to left

Shift+Arrow Left

Move cursor with selection to the left

+Arrow Left

Go to beginning of word

+Shift+Arrow Left

Selecting to the left word by word

Arrow Right

Move cursor to right

Shift+Arrow Right

Move cursor with selection to the right

+Arrow Right

Go to start of next word

+Shift+Arrow Right

Selecting to the right word by word

Arrow Up

Move cursor up one line

Shift+Arrow Up

Selecting lines in an upwards direction

+Nool üles

Viib kursori eelmise lõigu algusesse

+Shift+Nool üles

Valib teksti lõigu alguseni; järgmine vajutus laiendab valiku eelmise lõigu alguseni

Arrow Down

Move cursor down one line

Shift+Arrow Down

Selecting lines in a downward direction

+Nool alla

Viib kursori lõigu lõppu; järgmine vajutus viib kursori järgneva lõigu lõppu

Shift+Nool alla

Valib teksti lõigu lõpuni; järgmine vajutus laiendab valiku järgmise lõigu lõpuni

Go to beginning of line

Go and select to the beginning of a line

Go to end of line

Go and select to end of line

Go to start of text block in slide

Go and select text to start of text block in slide

Go to end of text block in slide

Go and select text to end of document

Delete text to end of word


Delete text to beginning of word

Loendis: kustutab aktiivse lõigu ees oleva tühja lõigu


Delete text to end of sentence


Delete text to beginning of sentence

Shortcut Keys in LibreOffice Impress

Shortcut Keys


Arrow key

Moves the selected object or the page view in the direction of the arrow.

+ Arrow Key

Move around in the page view.

Shift + drag

Constrains the movement of the selected object horizontally or vertically.

+ drag (with Copy when moving option active)

Hold down and drag an object to create a copy of the object.


Hold down to draw or resize objects by dragging from the center of the object outward.


Select the object behind the currently selected object.


Select the object in front of the currently selected object.


Select adjacent items or a text passage. Click at the start of a selection, move to the end of the selection, and then hold down Shift while you click.

Shift+drag (when resizing)

Hold down Shift while dragging to resize an object to maintain the proportions of the object.

Tab key

Select objects in the order in which they were created.


Select objects in the reverse order in which they were created.


Exit current mode.


Activate a placeholder object in a new presentation (only if the frame is selected).


Moves to the next text object on the slide.

If there are no text objects on the slide, or if you reached the last text object, a new slide is inserted after the current slide. The new slide uses the same layout as the current slide.


Viib eelmisele slaidile; esimese slaidi puhul funktsioon puudub


Viib järgmisele slaidile; viimase slaidi puhul funktsioon puudub

Navigating with the Keyboard in Slide Sorter




Viib fookuse esimesele/viimasele slaidile

Nool vasakule/paremale või Page Up/Down

Viib fookuse järgmisele/eelmisele slaidile


Lülitab aktiivse slaidi normaalvaatesse.

Using Shortcut Keys in LibreOffice Impress

Shortcuts (LibreOffice Accessibility)