Comparing Versions of a Document

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Muudatuste jälgimise funktsionaalsust saab kasutada LibreOffice'i tekstidokumentides ja arvutustabelites.

Kujutle, et sa töötad koos mitme kaasautori või toimetajaga ühe ja sama dokumendi kallal. Ühel päeval saadad sa oma dokumendi koopiad kõigile toimetajatele ja palud neil seda redigeerida ning tagasi saata.

Normally, the reviewers enable change tracking by Edit - Track Changes - Record and you can easily see the changes.

If one of the authors has made changes to a document without recording them, you can compare the changed document to your original document.

  1. Open the reviewer's document and then choose Edit - Track Changes - Compare Document.

    Alati tuleb avada uuem dokument ja võrrelda seda vanema dokumendiga.

  2. A file selection dialog appears. Select your older original document and confirm the dialog.

    LibreOffice combines both documents into the reviewer's document. All text passages that occur in the reviewer's document but not in the original are identified as having been inserted, and all text passages that got deleted by the reviewer are identified as deletions.

  3. You can now accept or reject the insertions and deletions. At the end you may save the reviewer's document as a new original with a new name.

Recording and Displaying Changes

Recording Changes

Accepting or Rejecting Changes

Merging Versions

Version Management