Table Element Wizard

If you insert a table control in a document, the Table Element Wizard starts automatically. In this wizard, you can interactively specify which information is displayed in the table control.

Selle käsu kasutamiseks...

Ava tööriistariba Vormi juhtelemendid, klõpsa ikoonil Veel juhtelemente, klõpsa ikoonil Tabel ja lohista kursoriga välja loomiseks.

Märkuse ikoon

You can use the Wizards On/Off icon to keep the wizard from starting automatically.

Table Element / List Box / Combo Box Wizard: Data

Select the data source and table to which the form field corresponds. If you insert the form field in a document that is already linked to a data source, this page becomes invisible.

Table Element Wizard: Field Selection

Specifies which fields in the table control field should be displayed.


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