Asian Layout

Sets the options for double-line writing for Asian languages. Select the characters in your text, and then choose this command.

Need käsud on kättesaadavad ainult siis, kui - Keelesätted - Keeled all on lubatud Ida-Aasia keelte toetus.

Selle käsu kasutamiseks...

Vali Vormindus - Märk - kaart Aasia küljendus

Vali Vaade - Stiilid - ava sobiva kirje kontekstimenüü, vali Muuda/Uus - kaart Aasia küljendus


Set the double-line options for the selected text.

Write in double lines

Allows you to write in double lines in the area that you selected in the current document.

Enclosing characters

Specify the characters to enclose the double-lined area.

Initial character

Select the character to define the start of the double-lined area. If you want to choose a custom character, select Other Characters.

Final character

Select the character to define the end of the double-lined area. If you want to choose a custom character, select Other Characters.

Eelvaate väli

Kuvab aktiivse valiku eelvaate.