
Menüü Andmed sisaldab käske aktiivse lehe andmete redigeerimiseks. Saab määrata vahemikke, andmeid sortida ja filtreerida, arvutada tulemusi, andmeid liigendada, luua liigendtabeleid.

Määra vahemik

Defines a database range based on the selected cells in your sheet.

Vali vahemik

Selects a database range that you defined under Data - Define Range.


Sorts the selected rows according to the conditions that you specify.


Shows commands to filter your data.


Calculates subtotals for the columns that you select.


Defines what data is valid for a selected cell or cell range.

Mitu tehet

Applies the same formula to different cells, but with different parameter values.

Tekst veergudesse

Avab dialoogi Tekst veergudesse, kus saab sisestada sätted valitud lahtrite sisu jaotamiseks mitmesse lahtrisse.


Combines data from one or more independent cell ranges and calculates a new range using the function that you specify.

Group and Outline

You can create an outline of your data and group rows and columns together so that you can collapse and expand the groups with a single click.

Pivot Table

A pivot table provides a summary of large amounts of data. You can then rearrange the pivot table to view different summaries of the data.

Värskenda vahemikku

Updates a data range that was inserted from an external database. The data in the sheet is updated to match the data in the external database.