Entering Formulas

Valemeid saab sisestada mitmel viisil: ikoonide abil, klaviatuuri abil või kasutades mõlema meetodit korraga.

  1. Click the cell in which you want to enter the formula.

  2. Click the Function icon on the Formula Bar.

    You will now see an equals sign in the input line and you can begin to input the formula.

  3. After entering the required values, press Enter or click Accept to insert the result in the active cell. If you want to clear your entry in the input line, press Escape or click Cancel.

You can also enter the values and the formulas directly into the cells, even if you cannot see an input cursor. Formulas must always begin with an equals sign.

Valemi kirjutamise alustamiseks võib vajutada ka numbriklahvistiku klahve + või -. NumLock peab olema "sees". Vajuta näiteks järgemööda klahve:

+ 5 0 - 8 Enter

Lahtrisse ilmub tulemus 42 in the. Lahter sisaldab valemit =+50-8.

Märkuse ikoon

If you are editing a formula with references, the references and the associated cells will be highlighted with the same color. You can now resize the reference border using the mouse, and the reference in the formula displayed in the input line also changes. Show references in color can be deactivated under - LibreOffice Calc - View.

Nõuande ikoon

If you would like to view the calculation of individual elements of a formula, select the respective elements and press F9. For example, in the formula =SUM(A1:B12)*SUM(C1:D12) select the section SUM(C1:D12) and press F9 to view the subtotal for this area.

If an error occurs when creating the formula, an error message appears in the active cell.