CSV-tekstifailide avamine ja salvestamine

Comma Separated Values (CSV) is a text file format that you can use to exchange data from a database or a spreadsheet between applications. Each line in a Text CSV file represents a record in the database, or a row in a spreadsheet. Each field in a database record or cell in a spreadsheet row is usually separated by a comma. However, you can use other characters to delimit a field, such as a tabulator character.

If the field or cell contains a comma, the field or cell must be enclosed by single quotes (') or double quotes (").

CSV-tekstifaili avamiseks Calc'is

  1. Vali Fail - Ava.

  2. Mine soovitud CSV-faili asukohta.

    Kui fail on laiendiga *.csv, vali fail.

    If the CSV file has another extension, select the file, and then select "Text CSV" in the File type box

  3. Klõpsa Ava.

    The Text Import dialog opens.

  4. Määra failis oleva teksti veergudesse jaotamise sätted.

    You can preview the layout of the imported data at the bottom of the Text Import dialog.

    Veeru peitmiseks või selle vormingu määramiseks tee eelvaates sellel veerul klõps parempoolse hiirenupuga.

    Nõuande ikoon

    Check the text delimiter box that matches the character used as text delimiter in the file. In case of an unlisted delimiter, type the character into the input box.

  5. Klõpsa Sobib.

Arvutustabeli salvestamiseks CSV-tekstifailina

Märkuse ikoon

Arvutustabeli eksportimisel CSV-vormingusse salvestatakse ainult aktiivsel lehel olevad andmed. Kõik muu teave, kaasa arvatud valemid ja vormindus läheb kaduma.

  1. Ava arvutustabeli leht, mida soovid CSV-tekstifailina salvestada.

    Märkuse ikoon

    Eksporditakse ainult aktiivne leht.

  2. Vali Fail - Salvesta kui.

  3. In the File name box, enter a name for the file.

  4. In the File type box, select "Text CSV".

  5. Määra CSV-tekstifaili väljade sätted (mittekohustuslik).

    Select Edit filter settings.

    In the Export of text files dialog, select the options that you want.

    Klõpsa Sobib.

  6. Klõpsa Salvesta.