Väärtuste sisestamine

Calc võib lihtsustada andmete ja väärtuste sisestamist mitmesse lahtrisse korraga. Sa saad mõned sätted viia kooskõlla oma eelistustega.

To Enter Values Into a Range of Cells Manually

On kaks võimalust, mis on abiks andmeploki sisestamisel käsitsi.

Area Detection for New Rows

In the row below a heading row, you can advance from one cell to the next with the Tab key. After you enter the value into the last cell in the current row, press Enter. Calc positions the cursor below the first cell of the current block.

area detection

In row 3, press Tab to advance from cell B3 to C3, D3, and E3. Then press Enter to advance to B4.

Area Selection

Use drag-and-drop to select the area where you want to input values. But start dragging from the last cell of the area and release the mouse button when you have selected the first cell. Now you can start to input values. Always press the Tab key to advance to the next cell. You will not leave the selected area.

area selection

Select the area from E7 to B3. Now B3 is waiting for your input. Press Tab to advance to the next cell within the selected area.

To Enter Values to a Range of Cells Automatically

Vaata Automaatne täitmine külgnevatel lahtritel põhinevate andmetega.