
Specify the validation rules for the selected cell(s).

Selle käsu kasutamiseks...

Menu Data - Validity - Criteria tab.

For example, you can define criteria such as: "Numbers between 1 and 10" or "Texts that are no more than 20 characters".


Click a validation option for the selected cell(s).

The following conditions are available:



All values

No limitation.

Whole number

Only whole numbers corresponding to the condition.


All numbers corresponding to the condition.


All numbers corresponding to the condition. The entered values are formatted accordingly the next time the dialog is called up.


All numbers corresponding to the condition. The entered values are formatted accordingly the next time the dialog is called up.

Lahtrite vahemik

Allow only values that are given in a cell range. The cell range can be specified explicitly, or as a named database range, or as a named range. The range may consist of one column or one row of cells. If you specify a range of columns and rows, only the first column is used.


Allow only values or strings specified in a list. Strings and values can be mixed. Numbers evaluate to their value, so if you enter the number 1 in the list, the entry 100% is also valid.

Text length

Entries whose length corresponds to the condition.

Allow blank cells

In conjunction with Tools - Detective - Mark invalid Data, this defines that blank cells are shown as invalid data (disabled) or not (enabled).

Valikute loendi kuvamine

Shows a list of all valid strings or values to select from. The list can also be opened by selecting the cell and pressing +D.

Kirjete kasvav sortimine

Sorteerib valiku loendi kasvavas järjekorras ja filtreerib välja korduvad kirjed. Kui ruut on märkimata, kasutatakse andmeallikast pärit järjestust.


Sisesta lahtrite vahemik, mis sisaldab sobivaid väärtusi või stringe.


Sisesta kirjed, mis on sobivad väärtused või stringid.


Select the comparative operator that you want to use. The available operators depend on what you selected in the Allow box. If you select "between" or "not between", the Minimum and Maximum input boxes appear. Otherwise, only the Minimum, the Maximum, or the Value input boxes appear.


Enter the value for the data validation option that you selected in the Allow box.


Enter the minimum value for the data validation option that you selected in the Allow box.


Enter the maximum value for the data validation option that you selected in the Allow box.