
Shows additional filter options.

Selle käsu kasutamiseks...

Choose Data - More Filters - Standard Filter... - Options label.

Choose Data - More Filters - Advanced Filter... - Options label.


Case sensitive

Distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters when filtering the data.

Range contains column labels

Includes the column labels in the first row of a cell range.

Copy results to

Select the check box, and then select the cell range where you want to display the filter results. You can also select a named range from the list.

Vähenda / Maksimeeri

Klõps nupul Vähenda muudab dialoogi sisestusvälja suuruseks. Nii on lihtsam märkida lehel vajalikke viiteid. Nupp ise muutub sealjuures automaatselt nupuks Maksimeeri. Selle klõpsamisel taastatakse dialoogi algsuurus.

Dialoog minimeeritakse automaatselt, kui klõpsata hiirega arvutustabelis. Hiire nupu vabastamisel dialoog taastatakse ja hiirega valitud viitevahemik kuvatakse dokumendis sinise raamiga.





Regular expression

Allows you to use regular expressions in the filter definition. For a list of the regular expressions that LibreOffice supports, click here.

If the Regular Expressions check box is selected, you can use regular expressions in the Value field if the Condition list box is set to '=' EQUAL or '<>' UNEQUAL. This also applies to the respective cells that you reference for an advanced filter.

No duplication

Excludes duplicate rows in the list of filtered data.

Keep filter criteria

Select the Copy results to check box, and then specify the destination range where you want to display the filtered data. If this box is checked, the destination range remains linked to the source range. You must have defined the source range under Data - Define range as a database range. Following this, you can reapply the defined filter at any time as follows: click into the source range, then choose Data - Refresh Range.

Data range

Displays the cell range or the name of the cell range that you want to filter.


Klõps nupul Sätted laiendab dialoogi, näidates suuremat hulka valikuid. Uus klõps nupul taastab dialoogi esialgse kuju.