Přejmenování listu

Setting sheet names is an important feature to produce readable and understandable spreadsheets documents. To rename a sheet in your document:

  1. Click on the sheet tab to select it.

  2. Open the context menu of the sheet tab and choose the Rename Sheet command. A dialog box appears where you can enter a new name.

  3. Zadejte nové jméno a klepněte na OK.

  4. Jako další možnost přidržte klávesu a klepněte myší na jméno libovolného listu a zadejte nové jméno přímo.

    Dostupnost této funkce závisí na vašem X Window Manageru.

Sheet names can contain almost any character. Some naming restrictions apply, the following characters are not allowed in sheet names:

Ikona tipu

In cell references, a sheet name must be enclosed in single quotes ' when the name contains other characters than alphanumeric or underscore. A single quote contained within a name has to be escaped by doubling it (two single quotes).

For example, you want to reference the cell A1 on a sheet with the following name:

This year's sheet

Odkaz je potřeba dát do jednoduchých uvozovek a uvozovku je potřeba zdvojit:

'This year''s sheet'.A1

Ikona tipu

The name of a sheet is independent of the name of the spreadsheet. You enter the spreadsheet name when you save it for the first time as a file.

Ikona poznámky

The document can contain up to 10,000 individual sheets, which must have different names.

You can set a prefix for the names of new sheets you create. See this page of Calc options.