MonthName Function [VBA]

The MonthName function returns the localized month name of a specified month number.

Ikona upozornění

Tato funkce nebo konstanta je povolena deklarací Option VBASupport 1 umístěnou před kódem programu.


MonthName(Month as Integer [,Abbreviate as Boolean])

Návratová hodnota:



Month: Value from 1 to 12, January to December, whose localized month name need to be returned.

Abbreviate: Optional. A Boolean value that indicates if the month name is to be abbreviated.

Chybové kódy:

5 Neplatné volání procedury


REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Option VBASupport 1

Sub Example_MonthName

 Dim mBirthday as Integer

 mBirthday = 1

 print mBirthday &" "& MonthName(mBirthday,False)

End Sub