Ús de la barra de notes

La barra de notes és una nova forma de presentació de les icones d'ordres per a un ús més àgil

Icona d'avís

This feature is experimental and may produce errors or behave unexpectedly. To enable it anyway, choose - LibreOffice - Advanced and select Enable experimental features checkbox.

By default, LibreOffice commands are grouped in cascading menus and in toolbars filled with icons.

La barra de notes mostra una manera diferent d'organitzar els controls i les icones, respecte a una fila d'icones, mostra grups contextuals d'ordres i contingut.

With the notebook bar, frequently used commands are grouped in an arrangement that will make it quicker to access, avoiding lengthy menu navigation and toolbars command icon lookup.

The notebook bar is available in Writer, Calc and Impress. The user interface has now several available layouts. Two entries in the View menu controls the notebook bar: Toolbar Layout and Notebook bar.

Per a accedir a aquesta ordre...

Choose menu View - Toolbar layout - Notebook bar

User interface layouts

The Toolbar Layout entry defines which user interface elements are visible. The available layouts are:

When user activates additional toolbars, they will be saved in the user profile. Therefore, on returning to the notebook bar mode, all toolbars set visible before will show again.

Modes de barra de notes disponibles

Icona de nota

In the tabbed mode the menu bar is hidden by default. To display the menu bar, select the “≡” icon at the top-left position of the window and choose Menu bar.

Icona de consell

Podeu ajustar la mida de les icones de la barra de notes al quadre de llista Eines ▸ Opcions ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Visualitza ▸ Barra de notes.

Icona de nota

La barra de notes no es pot personalitzar.

Icona d'avís

The current implementation (LibreOffice 6.1) of the notebook bar is common to Writer, Calc and Impress modules. A change in the notebook bar in one module will affect the notebook bar of the other modules.