Conversió hangul/hanja

Converts the selected Korean text from Hangul to Hanja or from Hanja to Hangul. The menu command can only be called if you enable Asian language support under - Language Settings - Languages, and if a text formatted in Korean language is selected.

Per a accedir a aquesta ordre...

Choose Tools - Language - Hangul/Hanja Conversion. Asian language support must be enabled.


Displays the current selection.


Displays the first replacement suggestion from the dictionary. You can edit the suggested word or enter another word. Click the Find button to replace your original word with the corresponding replacement word.


Finds your Hangul input in the dictionary and replaces it with the corresponding Hanja. Click Ignore to cancel the find function.


Displays all available replacements in the dictionary. If the Replace by character box is enabled, you see a grid of characters. If the Replace by character box is not checked, you see a list of words.


Feu clic al tipus de format amb què vulgueu que es mostrin els reemplaçaments.


The original characters are replaced by the suggested characters.

Hanja (hangul)

The Hangul part will be displayed in brackets after the Hanja part.

Hangul (hanja)

The Hanja part will be displayed in brackets after the Hangul part.

Hanja com a caràcter Ruby al damunt

The Hanja part will be displayed as ruby text above the Hangul part.

Hanja com a caràcter Ruby a sota

The Hanja part will be displayed as ruby text below the Hangul part.

Hangul com a caràcter Ruby al damunt

The Hangul part will be displayed as ruby text above the Hanja part.

Hangul com a caràcter Ruby a sota

The Hangul part will be displayed as ruby text below the Hanja part.


Normalment, en una selecció mixta de text formada per caràcters hangul i hanja tots els caràcters hangul es convertiran a hanja, i tots els caràcters hanja a hangul. Si voleu convertir una selecció mixta de text només en una direcció, utilitzeu les opcions de conversió següents:

Només hangul

Check to convert only Hangul. Do not convert Hanja.

Només hanja

Check to convert only Hanja. Do not convert Hangul.


No changes will be made to the current selection. The next word or character will be selected for conversion.

Ignora-ho tot

No changes will be made to the current selection, and every time the same selection is detected it will be skipped automatically. The next word or character will be selected for conversion. The list of ignored text is valid for the current LibreOffice session.


Replaces the selection with the suggested characters or word according to the format options. The next word or character will be selected for conversion.

Reemplaça sempre

Replaces the selection with the suggested characters or word according to the format options. Every time the same selection is detected it will be replaced automatically. The next word or character will be selected for conversion. The list of replacement text is valid for the current LibreOffice session.

Reemplaça per un caràcter

Check to move character-by-character through the selected text. If not checked, full words are replaced.


Opens the Hangul/Hanja Options dialog.