Printer Settings

Select the default printer for the current document.

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Trieu Fitxer ▸ Configuració de la impressora

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You might experience a slight delay when you change the default printer for a document that contains embedded LibreOffice OLE objects.


Lists the information that applies to the selected printer.

If the list is empty, you need to install a default printer for your operating system. Refer to the online help for your operating system for instructions on how to install and setup a default printer.


Lists the installed printers on your operating system. To change the default printer, select a printer name from the list.


Describes the current status of the selected printer.


Mostra el tipus d'impressora que heu seleccionat.


Mostra el port de la impressora seleccionada.


Mostra informació addicional de la impressora.


Modifica els paràmetres d'impressió del sistema operatiu per al document actual.

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Ensure that the Landscape or Portrait layout option set in the printer properties dialog matches the page format that you set by choosing .


Opens the Printer Options dialog where you can override the global printer options set on the - LibreOffice - Print panel for the current document.

Icona d'avís

The Options button is only available in LibreOffice Writer and Calc.