Canvi de nom dels fulls

Setting sheet names is an important feature to produce readable and understandable spreadsheets documents. To rename a sheet in your document:

  1. Click on the sheet tab to select it.

  2. Open the context menu of the sheet tab and choose the Rename Sheet command. A dialog box appears where you can enter a new name.

  3. Introduïu un nom nou per al full i feu clic a D'acord.

  4. Alternativament, manteniu premuda la , feu clic a qualsevol nom del full i introduïu directament el nom nou.

    La disponibilitat d'aquesta funció depèn del vostre Gestor de finestres X.

Sheet names can contain almost any character. Some naming restrictions apply, the following characters are not allowed in sheet names:

Icona de consell

In cell references, a sheet name must be enclosed in single quotes ' when the name contains other characters than alphanumeric or underscore. A single quote contained within a name has to be escaped by doubling it (two single quotes).

For example, you want to reference the cell A1 on a sheet with the following name:

Full d'aquest any

Haureu d'escriure la referència entre cometes simples i doblar la cometa simple que hi ha dins del nom:

'Full d''aquest any'.A1

Icona de consell

The name of a sheet is independent of the name of the spreadsheet. You enter the spreadsheet name when you save it for the first time as a file.

Icona de nota

The document can contain up to 10,000 individual sheets, which must have different names.

You can set a prefix for the names of new sheets you create. See this page of Calc options.