Retorna el dia de la setmana per al valor de data determinat. El dia es retorna com un nombre enter entre 1 (diumenge) i 7 (dissabte) si no s'indica cap tipus, o si s'indica tipus=1. Per a altres tipus, vegeu la taula següent.


DIASETMANA(Nombre; Tipus)

Nombre, com a valor de data, és un decimal per al qual es retornarà el dia de la setmana.

Type is optional and determines the type of calculation.


Weekday number returned

1 o omès

Entre 1 (diumenge) i 7 (dissabte). Per a compatibilitat amb el Microsoft Excel.


Entre 1 (dilluns) i 7 (diumenge).


Entre 0 (dilluns) i 6 (diumenge)


Entre 1 (dilluns) i 7 (diumenge).


Entre 1 (dimarts) i 7 (dilluns).


Entre 1 (dimecres) i 7 (dimarts).


Entre 1 (dijous) i 7 (dimecres).


Entre 1 (divendres) i 7 (dijous).


Entre 1 (dissabte) i 7 (divendres).


Entre 1 (diumenge) i 7 (dissabte).

Icona de nota

These values apply only to the standard date format that you select under - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


=WEEKDAY("2000-06-14") returns 4 (the Type parameter is missing, therefore the standard count is used. The standard count starts with Sunday as day number 1. June 14, 2000 was a Wednesday and therefore day number 4).

=WEEKDAY("1996-07-24";2) returns 3 (the Type parameter is 2, therefore Monday is day number 1. July 24, 1996 was a Wednesday and therefore day number 3).

=WEEKDAY("1996-07-24";1) returns 4 (the Type parameter is 1, therefore Sunday is day number 1. July 24, 1996 was a Wednesday and therefore day number 4).

=WEEKDAY("2017-05-02";14) returns 6 (the Type parameter is 14, therefore Thursday is day number 1. May 2, 2017 was a Tuesday and therefore day number 6)

=WEEKDAY(NOW()) returns the number of the current day.

Icona de consell

To obtain a function indicating whether a day in A1 is a business day, use the IF and WEEKDAY functions as follows:
IF(WEEKDAY(A1;2)<6;"Business day";"Weekend")