
Specifies the size and the position of the selected object or frame on a page.

To access this command...

Choose Format - Image - Type tab

Choose Format - Frame and Object - Properties - Type tab

Choose View - Styles - open context menu Modify/New - Type tab

Choose Insert - Frame - Frame - Type tab



Enter the width that you want for the selected object.


Calculates the width of the selected object as a percentage of the width of the page print area.

Relative width relation

Decides what 100% width means: either text area (excluding margins) or the entire page (including margins).


Enter the height that you want for the selected object.


Izračunava visinu odabranog objekta u postotku visine područje stranica za ispis.

Relative height relation

Decides what 100% height means: either text area (excluding margins) or the entire page (including margins).

Čuvaj omjer

Maintains the height and width ratio when you change the width or the height setting.

Originalna veličina

Resets the size settings of the selected object to the original values.

Note Icon

Ova opcija nije dostupna za okvire..


Automatski podešava širinu ili visinu okvira kako bi se slagala sadržaj okvira. Ako želite, možete odrediti minimalnu širinu ili minimalna visina za okvir.

Note Icon

Automatski option is only available when you select a frame.


Specify the anchoring options for the selected object or frame. The anchor options are not available when you open the dialog from the Styles window.

Do stranice

Anchors the selection to the current page.

Na odlomak

Anchors the selection to the current paragraph.

Kao znak

Anchors the selection to a character.

Kao znak

Anchors the selection as character. The height of the current line is resized to match the height of the selection.


Odredite lokaciju odabranog objekta na trenutnoj stranici.


Select the horizontal alignment option for the object. This option is not available if you chose "anchor as character".


Enter the amount of space to leave between the left edge of the selected object and the reference point that you select in the To box. This option is only available if you select "From Left" in the Horizontal box.


Select the reference point for the selected horizontal alignment option.

Mozete vidjeti rezultat opcije poravnanja koju ste izabrali u Preview.

Ogledalo na parnim stranicama.

Reverses the current horizontal alignment settings on even pages.

Tip Icon

You can also use the Image flip options to adjust the layout of objects on even and odd pages.


Select the vertical alignment option for the object.

Note Icon

Ako sidro objekt u okvir s fiksnim visine, samo "Dno" i "Centar" poravnanje opcije su dostupne.


Enter the amount of space to leave between the top edge of the selected object and the reference point that you select in the To box. This option is only available if you select "From Top" or "From Bottom" (as character) in the Vertical box.


Select the reference point for the selected vertical alignment option.

Prati tok teksta

Keeps the selected object within the layout boundaries of the text that the object is anchored to. To place the selected object anywhere in your document, do not select this option.

By default, the Follow text flow option is selected when you open a document that was created in a version of Writer older than OpenOffice.org 2.0. However, this option is not selected when you create a document or when you open a document in Microsoft Word format (*.doc).

Preview Field

Displays a preview of the current selection.

zeleni pravokutnik predstavlja odabrani objekt i crveni pravokutnik predstavlja referentnu točku poravnanja. Ako sidro objekt kao lik, referenca pravokutnik mijenja se crvenom linijom.

Format - Usidri

Format - Poravnanje