Dragging and Dropping Within a LibreOffice Document

Postoje mnoge mogućnosti za premještanje ili kopiranje objekata pomoću "drag-and-drop". Pasusi teksta, objekti za crtanje, ilustracije, kontrole formulara, hiperveze, rasponi ćelija i još mnogo toga može se premjestiti ili kopirati sa mišem.

Imajte na umu da pokazivač miša prikazuje znak plus kada kopirate i strelicu kada stvarate link ili hiperlink.

pokazivač miša


Mouse pointer moving data


Mouse pointer copying data


Mouse pointer inserting link

Kreiranje linka

If you press or Shift+ while releasing the mouse button, you can control whether the object is copied, moved, or a link is created.


If you drag objects out of the Navigator, you can specify in the submenu of the Navigator's Drag Mode icon whether to copy the object, insert it as a link or insert it as a hyperlink.

Tip Icon

Možete otkazati drag and drop operaciju LibreOffice u bilo kojem trenutku pritiskom na tipku Esc prije otpuštanja tipke miša

Copying Graphics Between Documents

Copying Spreadsheet Areas to Text Documents

Copying Graphics From the Gallery

Adding Graphics to the Gallery