HTML Export - Page 2

Definiše boje za publikaciju.

Formatiranje teksta se uzima iz crteža ili prezentacije. Ova strana se preskace ako ne obilježite Kreiraj naslovnu stranu okvir, ili ako izaberete automatski ili WebCast eksport.

To access this command...

LibreOffice Draw/LibreOffice Impress menu File - Export, select HTML file type, page 6 of the wizard

Select color scheme

Determines the color scheme and the colors for text and background.

Apply color scheme from document

Determines the colors from the styles used in the current document.

Use browser colors

Uses the default colors of the viewer's Web Browser.

Use custom color scheme

Allows you to define your own colors for some presentation objects.


Opens the Color dialog, where you can select the text color of the presentation.


Opens the Color dialog, where you can select the hyperlink color of the presentation.

Active Link

Opens the Color dialog, where you can select the active link color of the presentation.

Visited Link

Opens the Color dialog, where you can select the visited link color of the presentation.


Opens the Color dialog, where you can select the background color of the presentation.