Osobine glatke linije

U grafu koji prikazuje linije (Line ili XY tip), možete izabrati da prikažete krive umjesto glatkih linija. Neke opcije upravljaju osobine tih krivih.

To access this command...

In the Chart Type dialog of a Line chart or XY chart that displays lines, choose Stepped in the Lines type dropdown, then click the Properties button.

Press Shift+F1 and point to a control to learn more about that control.

Da izmijenite osobine linija

  1. Izaberite Cubic Spline ili B-Spline.

    These are mathematical models that influence the display of the curves. The curves are created by joining together segments of polynomials.

  2. Po mogućnosti postavite rezoluciju. Veća vrijednost daje glađu liniju.

  3. For B-spline lines optionally set the degree of the polynomials.