Filtering DataPilot Tables

Možete koristiti filtere da uklonite neželjene podatke iz DataPilot tabele.

Kliknite Filtar tipku u tablici da pozovete dijaloški prozor za uslove filtera. Alternativno, pozovite kontekstualni meni DataPilot tabele i izaberite Filtar komandu. Filtar dijaloški prozor se pojavi. Ovdje možete filtrirati DataPilot tabelu.

You can also click the arrow on a button in the pivot table to show a pop-up window. In this pop-up window, you can edit the visibility settings of the associated field.

Open file with example:

D'oh! You found a bug (text/scalc/guide/datapilot.xhp#datapilot not found).

D'oh! You found a bug (text/scalc/guide/datapilot_updatetable.xhp#datapilot_updatetable not found).