Imp Operator

Performs a logical implication on two expressions.


Resultat = Izrar_1 MOD Izraz_2


Resultat:: Brojcana varijabla koja sadrzi rezultat MOD operacije.

Expression1, Expression2: Any expressions that you want to evaluate with the Imp operator.

If you use the Imp operator in Boolean expressions, False is only returned if the first expression evaluates to True and the second expression to False.

If you use the Imp operator in bit expressions, a bit is deleted from the result if the corresponding bit is set in the first expression and the corresponding bit is deleted in the second expression.


Sub ExampleImp

Dim A As Variant, B As Variant, C As Variant, D As Variant

Dim vOut As Variant

    A = 10: B = 8: C = 6: D = Null

    vOut = A > B Imp B > C ' returns -1

    vOut = B > A Imp B > C ' returns -1

    vOut = A > B Imp B > D ' returns 0

    vOut = (B > D Imp B > A) ' returns -1

    vOut = B Imp A ' returns -1

End Sub