LibreOffice Basic IDE

Ova sekcija objasnjava strukturu Basic IDE

Makro traka sa alatima

:The Macro Toolbar Sadrzi komande za kreiranje editovanje i pokretanje makroa.

Pogledaj prozor

The Watch window allows you to observe the value of variables during the execution of a program. Define the variable in the Watch text box. Click on Enable Watch to add the variable to the list box and to display its values.

Call Stack Window (Calls)

The Call Stack allows you to monitor the sequence of procedures and functions during the execution of a program. The procedures are functions are displayed bottom to top with the most recent function or procedure call at the top of the list.

Manage Breakpoints

Specifies the options for breakpoints.

Kratice u Osnovnom IDE

Komande iz kontekst menija module tabs



Ubacuje novi modul u trenutnu biblioteku.

Dijalog prozor

Ubacuje novi dijalog u trenutnu biblioteku.


Briše selektovani modul.


Preimenuje trenutni modul u mjestu.


Sakriva trenutni modul.


Otvara Macro Organiser dijalog prozor.