Microsoft Office

Specifies the settings for importing and exporting Microsoft Office documents.

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Choose - Load/Save - Microsoft Office.

Embedded Objects

The Embedded Objects section specifies how to import and export Microsoft Office OLE objects.

Esta configuraciĂłn aplicar nel casu de que nun esista nengĂșn sirvidor OLE de Microsoft (por exemplu, en UNIX) o cuando nun esista nengĂșn sirvidor OLE de LibreOffice pa editar los oxetos OLE.

Si hai un sirvidor OLE activu pal oxetu enllastrĂĄu, entĂłs va utilizase el sirvidor OLE pa xestionar l'oxetu.

Si nun hai nengĂșn sirvidor OLE activu pa oxetos MathType, entĂłs los oxetos MathType enllastraos puen convertise n'oxetos de LibreOffice Math. Pa esta conversiĂłn, los oxetos MathType enllastraos nun tienen d'entepasar les especificaciones de MathType 3.1.


The List Box field displays the entries for the pair of OLE objects that can be converted when loading into LibreOffice (L) and/or when saving into a Microsoft format (S).

Escueya'l campu de la columna [L] delantre de la entrada pa convertir un oxetu OLE de Microsoft nel oxetu OLE de LibreOffice especificĂĄu cuando se cargue un documentu de Microsoft en LibreOffice.

Escueya'l campu de la columna [S] frente a la entrada si un oxetu OLE de LibreOffice tien de convertise nel oxetu OLE de Microsoft especificĂĄu cuando s'almacene un documentu nun formatu de ficheru de Microsoft.

Character Background

Microsoft Office has two character attributes similar to LibreOffice character background. Select the appropriate attribute (highlighting or shading) which you would like to use during export to Microsoft Office file formats.