Opciones d'impresión

Especifica les opciones de configuración d'impresión.

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Choose - LibreOffice - Print.

Imprentar más rápidu con datos amenorgaos

Amenorgar datos d'impresión

Pue amenorgase la cantidá de datos que s'unvien a la imprentadora. D'esti mou aumenta la velocidá, una y bones los ficheros d'impresión son menores. Tamién se facilita'l procesu d'impresión n'imprentadores con poca memoria. L'amenorgamientu de los datos d'impresión pue causar un llixeru amenorgamientu de la calidá d'impresión.

Configuración para

Specifies whether the print settings apply to direct printing or to printing to a file.

Amenorgar tresparencia

Si marca esti campu, los oxetos tresparentes van imprimise como ye habitual, y los oxetos non tresparentes, según lo qu'escueya nos dos botones d'opción siguientes.

Iconu de nota

La tresparencia nun pue unviase directamente a la imprentadora. Les zones del documentu nes que la tresparencia tien de ser visible tienen de calculase siempres como bitmaps y unviase a la imprentadora. En función del tamañu de los bitmaps y del resolvimientu d'impresión, el tamañu de la resultancia pue ser bien grande.

Campos y diagrames

Specifies that the transparency is only printed if the transparent area covers less than a quarter of the entire page.

Ensin tresparencia

With this option transparency is never printed.

Amenorgar Bitmaps

Specifies that bitmaps are printed with reduced quality. The resolution can only be reduced and not increased.

Calidá d'impresión óptima/Calidá normal d'impresión

High print quality corresponds to a resolution of 300dpi. Normal print quality corresponds to a resolution of 200dpi.


Specifies the maximum print quality in dpi. The resolution can only be reduced and not increased.

Incluyir oxetos tresparentes

If this field is marked, the reduction in print quality for bitmaps also applies to the transparent areas of objects.

Reduce gradient

If this field is marked, gradients are printed with reduced quality.

Tires de gradientes

Specifies the maximum number of gradient stripes for printing.

Color entemediu

Specifies that gradients are only printed in a single intermediate color.

Convertir colores n'escales de grises

Specifies that all colors are printed only as grayscale.

Avisos de la imprentadora

Defines which warnings appear before printing begins.


Mark this check box if a certain paper size is needed for printing the current document. If the paper size used in the document is not provided by the current printer, you will receive an error message.

Orientación del papel

Mark this check box if you need a certain paper orientation for printing the current document. If the format used by the current document is not available from the printer, an error message will appear.


Mark this check box if you always want to be warned if transparent objects are contained in the document. If you print such a document, a dialog appears in which you can select if the transparency is to be printed in this print instruction.