Modificar una plantía predeterminada

Al abrir un documentu nuevu con Ficheru - Nuevu, apaez un documentu baleru, basáu nuna plantía de LibreOffice. Pue editar, camudar o trocar esta plantía de forma que'l documentu nuevu tenga los sos estilos personalizaos o otru conteníu.

Modificar una plantía predeterminada

Iconu de nota

Naturalmente va poder definir una plantía pa cada módulu de LibreOffice. De siguío describimos cómo proceder colos documentos de testu.

  1. Save the document by choosing File - Templates - Save As Template and saving the document in the My Templates category.

  2. Escueya Ficheru - Nuevu - Plantíes.

  3. Double-click My Templates in the list. You will see the user-defined templates in the user directory specified under - LibreOffice - Paths. Select the template you have just saved.

  4. Choose Set as default. The next time you open a new text document, the new document will be based on the new default template.

Cómo utilizar les mesmes plantíes de documentos

Esisten delles maneres de facilitar el trabayu por aciu l'usu de plantíes personalizaes.

Plantíes na carpeta de plantíes

You can save a new template with File - Templates - Save As Template or by selecting "Template" file type in any Save dialog. Save the template in the user directory specified under - LibreOffice - Paths to be able to access the template from within the File - New - Templates dialog.

To open the template for editing, choose File - New - Templates, select the template and click the Edit button.

Plantíes de documentos