
Use the Internet page of the Hyperlink dialog to edit hyperlinks with WWW or FTP addresses.

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MenĂş Inxertar - Hiperenllaz...

Los campos referíos al nome de conexón, a la contraseña y al usuariu anónimu namái tán disponibles pa les direiciones FTP.

Tipu d'hiperenllaz


Creates an http hyperlink.


Creates an FTP hyperlink.


Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink. If you do not specify a target frame, the file opens in the current document or frame.

Log in

Specifies your login name, if you are working with FTP addresses.


Specifies your password, if you are working with FTP addresses.

Usuariu anĂłnimu

Allows you to log in to the FTP address as an anonymous user.

Otres opciones


Introduza'l nome del marcu onde deseye que s'abrir el ficheru enllazáu, o escueya un marcu predefiníu na llista. Si dexa esti cuadru en blancu, el ficheru enllazáu abrir na ventana actual del esplorador.


Specifies whether the hyperlink is inserted as text or as a button.


Opens the Assign Macro dialog, in which you can give events such as "mouse over object" or "trigger hyperlink" their own program codes.


Specifies the visible text or button caption for the hyperlink.


Escriba un nome pal hiperenllaz. LibreOffice inxerta una etiqueta NAME nel hiperenllaz.