La resultancia indica'l númberu de selmanes del calendariu pa una fecha.

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The WEEKNUM_EXCEL2003 function is designed to calculate week numbers exactly as Microsoft Excel 2003 did. Use the WEEKNUM function for ODF OpenFormula and Excel 2010 compatibility, or ISOWEEKNUM function when you just need ISO 8601 week numbers. In releases prior to LibreOffice 5.1 WEEKNUM_EXCEL2003 was named WEEKNUM_ADD.


WEEKNUM_EXCEL2003(Date; ReturnType)

Fecha ye la fecha nel calendariu de la selmana.

TipoRetorno ye 1 pa la selmana qu'empieza'l domingu, 2 pa la selmana qu'empieza'l llunes.


¿En qué selmana del calendariu cai'l 24/12/2001?

=WEEKNUM_EXCEL2003(DATE(2001;12;24);1) returns 52.