Shortcut Keys for LibreOffice Writer

You can use shortcut keys to quickly perform common tasks in LibreOffice. This section lists the default shortcut keys for LibreOffice Writer.

Note Icon Some of the shortcut keys may be assigned to your desktop system. Keys that are assigned to the desktop system are not available to LibreOffice. Try to assign different keys either for LibreOffice, in Tools - Customize - Keyboard, or in your desktop system.

You can also use the general shortcut keys in LibreOffice.

Function Keys for LibreOffice Writer

Tastet përshpejtuese



Shiriti i formulës


Shto Fushat


AutoText- Grup


Edito AutoText


Tek korniza tjetër


Burimi i të Dhënave si Tabelë


Navigator kyçur/çkyçur


Navigator on, go to page number


Kontrolli i drejtëshkrimit


Thesari i fjalëve


Modi piksel


Emrat e fushave Kyqur/Ç'kyqur


Modi i shikimit paraprak


Modi i shikimit paraprak


Azhuro fushat


Përputh fushat...


Kalkulo tabelën


Update Input Fields and Input Lists


Karaktere që nuk shtypen Kyqur/Ç'kyqur

Styles window on/off


Krijo Stilin


Sets focus to Apply Style box


Stili i azhurimit


numërimi aktivizuar


Futi ose fshij ~qelitë


Pikat Po/Jo


Pikat Po/Jo

Shortcut Keys for LibreOffice Writer

Tastet përshpejtuese



Zgjedh të gjitha


Rrafsho në të dy anët


Nënvizo dyfisht


Në qendër


Zëvendëso stilet e zakonshme




Rreshto majtas


Rreshto djathtas



Redo last action

+0 (zero)

Apply Text Body paragraph style


Apply Heading 1 paragraph style


Apply Heading 2 paragraph style


Apply Heading 3 paragraph style


Apply Heading 4 paragraph style


Apply Heading 5 paragraph style

+ Plus Key(+)

Calculates the selected text and copies the result to the clipboard.


Soft hyphens; hyphenation set by you.

+Shift+minus sign (-)

Non-breaking hyphen (is not used for hyphenation)

+multiplication sign * (only on number pad)

Ekzekuto fushën makro


Non-breaking spaces. Non-breaking spaces are not used for hyphenation and are not expanded if the text is justified.

Regjistro grupin

Pa simbolet e thyerjes së rreshtit definuar nga shfrytëzuesit


Shto ndërprerësin manual të faqes


Column break in multicolumnar texts


Inserting a new paragraph without numbering inside a list. Does not work when the cursor is at the end of the list.


Inserting a new paragraph directly before or after a section, or before a table.

Shigjeta e majtë

Zbulo lartë majtas

Shigjetë e dyfishtë majtas

Move cursor with selection to the left

+Arrow Left

Fshij deri në fillim të Fjalës

+Shift+Arrow Left

Selecting to the left word by word

Shigjeta e djathtë

Zbulo nga lartë djathtas

Shigjetë e dyfishtë djathtas

Move cursor with selection to the right

+Arrow Right

Shko tek formula e tabelës pasardhëse

+Shift+Arrow Right

Selecting to the right word by word

Shigjeta lartë

Move cursor up one line

Thirrje lartë shigjetë

Selecting lines in an upwards direction

Thirrje lartë shigjetë

Zgjedh deri në fund të paragrafit

+Shift+Arrow Up

Select to beginning of paragraph. Next keystroke extends selection to beginning of previous paragraph

Shigjeta poshtë

Move cursor down one line

Thirrje poshtë shigjetë

Selecting lines in a downward direction

+Arrow Down

Zgjedh deri në fund të paragrafit

+Shift+Arrow Down

Select to end of paragraph. Next keystroke extends selection to end of next paragraph

Karakteret në fillim të rreshtit


Go and select to the beginning of a line

Fshiej deri Fund të Rreshtit


Go and select to end of line

Fillo nga dokumenti ekzistues


Go and select text to start of document

Drejtpërdrejt në fund të dokumentit


Go and select text to end of document


Switch cursor between text and header


Switch cursor between text and footer


Modi i Dizajnit Kyqur/Ç'kyqur


Zgjedh faqen lartë

Zhvendos djathtas

Move up screen page with selection


Lëviz caktimin e faqes prapavi

Zhvendos djathtas

Move down screen page with selection

Delete text to end of word


Delete text to beginning of word

In a list: delete an empty paragraph in front of the current paragraph


Delete text to end of sentence


Delete text to beginning of sentence


Next suggestion with Automatic Word Completion


Use previous suggestion with Automatic Word Completion


Përvijo në Clipboard

+ double-click or + Shift + F10

Use this combination to quickly dock or undock the Navigator, Styles window, or other windows

Shortcut Keys for Paragraphs and Heading Levels

Tastet përshpejtuese


+Up Arrow

Move the active paragraph or selected paragraphs up one paragraph.

+Down Arrow

Move the active paragraph or selected paragraphs down one paragraph.


The heading in format "Heading X" (X = 1-9) is moved down one level in the outline.

Ndalim i tabit

The heading in format "Heading X" (X = 2-10) is moved up one level in the outline.


At the start of a heading: Inserts a tab stop. Depending on the Window Manager in use, +Tab may be used instead.

To change the heading level with the keyboard, first position the cursor in front of the heading.

Shortcut Keys for Tables in LibreOffice Writer

Tastet përshpejtuese



If the active cell is empty: selects the whole table. Otherwise: selects the contents of the active cell. Pressing again selects the entire table.


If the active cell is empty: goes to the beginning of the table. Otherwise: first press goes to beginning of the active cell, second press goes to beginning of the current table, third press goes to beginning of document.


If the active cell is empty: goes to the end of the table. Otherwise: first press goes to the end of the active cell, second press goes to the end of the current table, third press goes to the end of the document.


Inserts a tab stop (only in tables). Depending on the Window Manager in use, +Tab may be used instead.

+Arrow Keys

Increases/decreases the size of the column/row on the right/bottom cell edge

+Shift+Arrow Keys

Increase/decrease the size of the column/row on the left/top cell edge

+Arrow Keys

Like , but only the active cell is modified

+Shift+Arrow Keys

Like , but only the active cell is modified


3 seconds in Insert mode, Arrow Key inserts row/column, +Arrow Key inserts cell


3 seconds in Delete mode, Arrow key deletes row/column, +Arrow key merges cell with neighboring cell


Removes cell protection from all selected tables. If no table is selected, then cell protection is removed from all of the tables in the document.


If no whole cell is selected, the text from the cursor to the end of the current sentence is deleted. If the cursor is at the end of a cell, and no whole cell is selected, the contents of the next cell are deleted.

If no whole cell is selected and the cursor is at the end of the table, the paragraph following the table will be deleted, unless it is the last paragraph in the document.

If one or more cells are selected, the whole rows containing the selection will be deleted. If all rows are selected completely or partially, the entire table will be deleted.

Shortcut Keys for Moving and Resizing Frames, Graphics and Objects

Tastet përshpejtuese



Cursor is inside a text frame and no text is selected: Escape selects the text frame.

Text frame is selected: Escape clears the cursor from the text frame.

F2 or Enter or any key that produces a character on screen

If a text frame is selected: positions the cursor to the end of the text in the text frame. If you press any key that produces a character on screen, and the document is in edit mode, the character is appended to the text.

+Arrow Keys

OLE objekt

+Arrow Keys

Resizes by moving lower right corner.

+Shift+Arrow Keys

Resizes by moving top left corner.


Selects the anchor of an object (in Edit Points mode).