Isipiridishittete asiishshubba

Tini kifile Isipiridishittete asiishshubba xawishsha lawishshu ledo amaddino.

Tene hajajo injeesate...

Surki - Assishsha - Fuula Ispiriidishitte

[text/scalc/01/func_error_type.xhp#error_type_head not found].

Returns a number representing a specific Error type, or the error value #N/A, if there is no error.


Bisiccote teesso (maqishsha) borro gede qolate, baxxitino haawiittimmanna caccafo kiiro garinni ikka noosi. Teesso co'itte teesso igede ikkite ease gumula dandaatto (Lawishshaho, $A$1) woy fiixoomino teesso gede (A1gede) woy karsu suudinni (A$1 or $A1). Qolteno shittete su'ma bada dandaatto.

ADDRESS nna INDIRECT asiishshubba gidoyiidi dandoora R1C1 teesso xawishshi A1 xawishsha ikke badate doorshu eishsha irkisanno.

ADDRESS giddo, eishshu shoolki eishshi gede surkamino, Doorshu shitte su'mi eishshi ontikki ofolla widira shiikkamino.

INDIRECT giddo , eishshu layinkihu gede ofollino.

In both functions, if the argument is inserted with the value 0, then the R1C1 notation is used. If the argument is not given or has a value other than 0, then the A1 notation is used.

In case of R1C1 notation, ADDRESS returns address strings using the exclamation mark '!' as the sheet name separator, and INDIRECT expects the exclamation mark as sheet name separator. Both functions still use the dot '.' sheet name separator with A1 notation.

ODF1.0/1.1 suudishshinni bortaje fananni wote, ADDRESS asiishshi sholki eishshi shittete su'mi ontiki eishshi shittete su'mi widira shiikamme leellishanno. haaru shoolki eishshihornyu 1 ledo surkamino.

ODF 1.0/1.1 suudishshi giddo bortajete kuusamme yannara , ADDRESS shoolki eishsha afirino, hakku eishshi ba"a noosi.

Qaagishshu Bido ADDRESS asiishshi haaroo shoolki eishshi hornyo 0 ikkituro Sipiridishitte akalu ODF 1.0/1.1.sudishshi giddo suuqqooti.

Qaagishshu Bido INDIRECT asiishshi galchamme nookkiha ODF 1.0/1.1 suudishshira suuqamino. Layinki eishshsi shiqiro, Calikihu akalu laalichi asiishshaho so'ro qolanno.


ADDRESS(Haawiittimma; Caccafo; Coitte; A1; "shitte")

Row represents the row number for the cell reference

Column represents the column number for the cell reference (the number, not the letter)

Coitte maqishshu dana gumultanno:

1: co'icha ($A$1)

2: haawiittimmate maqishshi co'ichaho; caccafote maqishshi dico'ichaho (A$1)

3: haawiittimma (dico'ichaho); caccafo (co'icha) ($A1)

4: dicoicha (A1)

A1 (optional) - if set to 0, the R1C1 notation is used. If this parameter is absent or set to another value than 0, the A1 notation is used.

Sheet represents the name of the sheet. It must be placed in double quotes.


=ADDRESS(1;1;2;;"Sheet2") returns the following: Sheet2.A$1

Shitte 2 giddo bisicco A1 -6hornyo amadduro, B2 asiishsha horoonsiratenni=ABS(INDIRECT(B2 ))e'emaqisammete bisicco suwashshiweelo doora dandaatto. gumu B2 giddo badaminobisiccote maqishshi co'icha hornyooti, hakuno konni garinni 6.


batinyu hakka geeshshihamittu mittu hakka geeshshi kiiro qolanno. hakka geeshshi batinye bisiccuwa woy tircho bisicco amadino.

Asiishshshu tircho yekkeerama adhino. Batinye hakka geeshshuwa wortoro, wole gombo giddo cufa noohe. Batinye hakka geeshshuwa ittishshu malaate(;) horoonsiratenni beehaanchu gede, ikkollana umi-loosaanchinni tildete (~) loosaasinchira soorranno. Tilde hakka geeshsha xaadisate kaa'litanno.



Maqishshu bisiccote maqishsha woy hakka geeshsha riqiwanno.


=AREAS((A1:B3;F2;G1)) returns 3, as it is a reference to three cells and/or areas. After entry this gets converted to =AREAS((A1:B3~F2~G1)).

=AREAS(All) returns 1 if you have defined an area named All under Data - Define Range.


Uses an index to return a value from a list of up to 30 values.


CHOOSE(Index; Value1; ...; Value30)

Index is a reference or number between 1 and 30 indicating which value is to be taken from the list.

Value1...Value30 is the list of values entered as a reference to a cell or as individual values.


=CHOOSE(A1;B1;B2;B3;"Today";"Yesterday";"Tomorrow"), for example, returns the contents of cell B2 for A1 = 2; for A1 = 4, the function returns the text "Today".


bisiccote maqishshiha caccafote kiiro qolanno. Maqishshu bisicco ikkiro caccafote kiiro higgino; maqishshu bisiccote qarqara ikiro, dira afirimalu babbaxxitino caccafote kiirrara diru afirimali gede ikke eiro tirchu-hawiittimma giddo qolantino. COLUMN asiishshu diru afirimaliqarqaru maqishshin eishshi ledo kaa'la hoogiro, qarqaru giddo umi bisicco caccafo kiiro calla gumulantino.



Reference is the reference to a cell or cell area whose first column number is to be found.

Eino maqishshi hoogiro, bisiccote afirimali eino caccafote kiiro heedhanno. LibreOffice Calki umi-loosaanchi muli bisiccora maqishsha qineessanno.


=COLUMN(A1) equals 1. Column A is the first column in the table.

=COLUMN(C3:E3) equals 3. Column C is the third column in the table.

=COLUMN(D3:G10) returns 4 because column D is the fourth column in the table and the COLUMN function is not used as an array formula. (In this case, the first value of the array is always used as the result.)

{=COLUMN(B2:B7)} and =COLUMN(B2:B7) both return 2 because the reference only contains column B as the second column in the table. Because single-column areas have only one column number, it does not make a difference whether or not the formula is used as an array formula.

=COLUMN() returns 3 if the formula was entered in column C.

{=COLUMN(Rabbit)} returns the single-row array (3, 4) if "Rabbit" is the named area (C1:D3).


aamamino maqishshi giddo caccafootu kiiro qolanno.



Array is the reference to a cell range whose total number of columns is to be found. The argument can also be a single cell.


=COLUMNS(B5) returns 1 because a cell only contains one column.

=COLUMNS(A1:C5) equals 3. The reference comprises three columns.

=COLUMNS(Rabbit) returns 2 if Rabbit is the named range (C1:D3).


DDE-kaimi xaadi gumira qolanno. Amadubba xaandete hakka geeshsha woy kifile soorramiro, qolamino horinyino soorramanno. Muli xaadubba la"ate Isipiridishitte marhogowa woy muccisi-xaadishshubba doora noohe. Saffu suudi xaadubba tayiisa, lawishshaho LibreOffice wiinni xullaallote mashine aana hadhanno bayisiisamme Linux maashhiine aana kalaqantino bortaje, difajjantino.


DDE("Owaataancho"; "Fayiile"; "Hakka geeshsha"; Gara)

Server is the name of a server application. LibreOffice applications have the server name "soffice".

File is the complete file name, including path specification.

Range is the area containing the data to be evaluated.

Mode is an optional parameter that controls the method by which the DDE server converts its data into numbers.


Kaimu fanfenni

0 woy hawama

Kiirote suudishsha "Gadete" bisicco akatiwiinni


Daatu baala wote US Ingilzete afiira meregisa suudishshi giddo eino


Daatu borrote gede umame fulanno; kiirrate woleesso dino


=DDE("soffice";"c:\office\document\data1.ods";"sheet1.A1") reads the contents of cell A1 in sheet1 of the LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet data1.ods.

=DDE("soffice";"c:\office\document\motto.odt";"Today's motto") returns a motto in the cell containing this formula. First, you must enter a line in the motto.odt document containing the motto text and define it as the first line of a section named Today's Motto (in LibreOffice Writer under Insert - Section). If the motto is modified (and saved) in the LibreOffice Writer document, the motto is updated in all LibreOffice Calc cells in which this DDE link is defined.


Returns the number corresponding to addi addi bisicco giddo kalaqantannota sorote hornyo qolanno. tenne kiiro irkonni, so'rote sokka borro kalaqa dandaatto.

If an error occurs, the function returns a logical or numerical value.

Qaagishshu Bido So'ro amaddino bisicco qiphisitoro deerru gaxiLibreOffice wiinni balaxxe tirantino so'ro koodde leellishanno.



Reference contains the address of the cell in which the error occurs.


Bisicco A1 so'ro leellishshuro:518, =ERRORTYPE(A1) asiishshi 518 kiiro qolanno.


The GETPIVOTDATA function returns a result value from a pivot table. The value is addressed using field and item names, so it remains valid if the layout of the pivot table changes.


Two different syntax definitions can be used:

GETPIVOTDATA(TargetField; pivot table; [ Field 1; Item 1; ... ])

GETPIVOTDATA(pivot table; Constraints)

The second syntax is assumed if exactly two parameters are given, of which the first parameter is a cell or cell range reference. The first syntax is assumed in all other cases. The Function Wizard shows the first syntax.

First Syntax

TargetField is a string that selects one of the pivot table's data fields. The string can be the name of the source column, or the data field name as shown in the table (like "Sum - Sales").

pivot table is a reference to a cell or cell range that is positioned within a pivot table or contains a pivot table. If the cell range contains several pivot tables, the table that was created last is used.

If no Field n / Item n pairs are given, the grand total is returned. Otherwise, each pair adds a constraint that the result must satisfy. Field n is the name of a field from the pivot table. Item n is the name of an item from that field.

If the pivot table contains only a single result value that fulfills all of the constraints, or a subtotal result that summarizes all matching values, that result is returned. If there is no matching result, or several ones without a subtotal for them, an error is returned. These conditions apply to results that are included in the pivot table.

If the source data contains entries that are hidden by settings of the pivot table, they are ignored. The order of the Field/Item pairs is not significant. Field and item names are not case-sensitive.

If no constraint for a page field is given, the field's selected value is implicitly used. If a constraint for a page field is given, it must match the field's selected value, or an error is returned. Page fields are the fields at the top left of a pivot table, populated using the "Page Fields" area of the pivot table layout dialog. From each page field, an item (value) can be selected, which means only that item is included in the calculation.

Subtotal values from the pivot table are only used if they use the function "auto" (except when specified in the constraint, see Second Syntax below).

Second Syntax

pivot table has the same meaning as in the first syntax.

Constraints is a space-separated list. Entries can be quoted (single quotes). The whole string must be enclosed in quotes (double quotes), unless you reference the string from another cell.

One of the entries can be the data field name. The data field name can be left out if the pivot table contains only one data field, otherwise it must be present.

Each of the other entries specifies a constraint in the form Field[Item] (with literal characters [ and ]), or only Item if the item name is unique within all fields that are used in the pivot table.

A function name can be added in the form Field[Item;Function], which will cause the constraint to match only subtotal values which use that function. The possible function names are Sum, Count, Average, Max, Min, Product, Count (Numbers only), StDev (Sample), StDevP (Population), Var (Sample), and VarP (Population), case-insensitive.


When you click a cell that contains the HYPERLINK function, the hyperlink opens.

If you use the optional CellText parameter, the formula locates the URL, and then displays the text or number.

Tugote Bido To open a hyperlinked cell with the keyboard, select the cell, press F2 to enter the Edit mode, move the cursor in front of the hyperlink, press Shift+F10, and then choose Open Hyperlink.



URL specifies the link target. The optional CellText parameter is the text or a number that is displayed in the cell and will be returned as the result. If the CellText parameter is not specified, the URL is displayed in the cell text and will be returned as the result.

The number 0 is returned for empty cells and matrix elements.


=HYPERLINK("") displays the text "" in the cell and executes the hyperlink when clicked.

=HYPERLINK("";"Click here") displays the text "Click here" in the cell and executes the hyperlink when clicked.

=HYPERLINK("";12345) displays the number 12345 and executes the hyperlink when clicked.

=HYPERLINK($B4) where cell B4 contains The function adds to the URL of the hyperlink cell and returns the same text which is used as formula result.

=HYPERLINK("http://www.";"Click ") & "" displays the text Click in the cell and executes the hyperlink when clicked.

=HYPERLINK("#Sheet1.A1";"Go to top") displays the text Go to top and jumps to cell Sheet1.A1 in this document.

=HYPERLINK("file:///C:/writer.odt#Specification";"Go to Writer bookmark")displays the text Go to Writer bookmark, loads the specified text document and jumps to bookmark "Specification".


INDEX cinaancho hakka geeshsha, baxxitino haawiittimmanna caccafo kiiro, woy doorshu hakka geeshshi mashalaqqisaancho qolanno. Borrote irkiratenni, INDEX maqishsha woy amado qolanno.


INDEX(Maqishsha; Haawiittimma; Caccafo; Hakka geeshsha)

Reference is a reference, entered either directly or by specifying a range name. If the reference consists of multiple ranges, you must enclose the reference or range name in parentheses.

Row (optional) represents the row index of the reference range, for which to return a value. In case of zero (no specific row) all referenced rows are returned.

Column (optional) represents the column index of the reference range, for which to return a value. In case of zero (no specific column) all referenced columns are returned.

Range (optional) represents the index of the subrange if referring to a multiple range.


=INDEX(Prices;4;1) returns the value from row 4 and column 1 of the database range defined in Data - Define as Prices.

=INDEX(SumX;4;1) returns the value from the range SumX in row 4 and column 1 as defined in Sheet - Named Ranges and Expressions - Define.

=INDEX(A1:B6;1) returns a reference to the first row of A1:B6.

=INDEX(A1:B6;0;1) returns a reference to the first column of A1:B6.

=INDEX((multi);4;1) indicates the value contained in row 4 and column 1 of the (multiple) range, which you named under Sheet - Named Ranges and Expressions - Define as multi. The multiple range may consist of several rectangular ranges, each with a row 4 and column 1. If you now want to call the second block of this multiple range enter the number 2 as the range parameter.

=INDEX(A1:B6;1;1) indicates the value in the upper-left of the A1:B6 range.

=INDEX((multi);0;0;2) returns a reference to the second range of the multiple range.


borrote naanni fikiimira baxxino maqishsha qolanno. kuni asiishshi qolebaxxino naanni fikiimi qarqara qolate kaa'lanno.

ADDRESS nna INDIRECT asiishshubba gidoyiidi dandoora R1C1 teesso xawishshi A1 xawishsha ikke badate doorshu eishsha irkisanno.

ADDRESS giddo, eishshu shoolki eishshi gede surkamino, Doorshu shitte su'mi eishshi ontikki ofolla widira shiikkamino.

INDIRECT giddo , eishshu layinkihu gede ofollino.

In both functions, if the argument is inserted with the value 0, then the R1C1 notation is used. If the argument is not given or has a value other than 0, then the A1 notation is used.

In case of R1C1 notation, ADDRESS returns address strings using the exclamation mark '!' as the sheet name separator, and INDIRECT expects the exclamation mark as sheet name separator. Both functions still use the dot '.' sheet name separator with A1 notation.

ODF1.0/1.1 suudishshinni bortaje fananni wote, ADDRESS asiishshi sholki eishshi shittete su'mi ontiki eishshi shittete su'mi widira shiikamme leellishanno. haaru shoolki eishshihornyu 1 ledo surkamino.

ODF 1.0/1.1 suudishshi giddo bortajete kuusamme yannara , ADDRESS shoolki eishsha afirino, hakku eishshi ba"a noosi.

Qaagishshu Bido ADDRESS asiishshi haaroo shoolki eishshi hornyo 0 ikkituro Sipiridishitte akalu ODF 1.0/1.1.sudishshi giddo suuqqooti.

Qaagishshu Bido INDIRECT asiishshi galchamme nookkiha ODF 1.0/1.1 suudishshira suuqamino. Layinki eishshsi shiqiro, Calikihu akalu laalichi asiishshaho so'ro qolanno.



Ref represents a reference to a cell or an area (in text form) for which to return the contents.

A1 (optional) - if set to 0, the R1C1 notation is used. If this parameter is absent or set to another value than 0, the A1 notation is used.

Qaagishshu Bido Suwashshiweelo teesso ikke kaa'lanooha naanni fikiimu assiishshiwiinni shallagaminoha Exceele isipiridishitte fanate, shittete teesso umi loosaanchii ditirantanno. Lawishshaho, INDIRECT("fayilete su'ma!shittete su'ma"&B1) giddo Exceelete teesso INDIRECT("fayilete su'ma.shittete su'ma"&B1)giddo Calki diwoleesamino.


=INDIRECT(A1) equals 100 if A1 contains C108 as a reference and cell C108 contains a value of 100.

=SUM(INDIRECT("a1:" & ADDRESS(1;3))) totals the cells in the area of A1 up to the cell with the address defined by row 1 and column 3. This means that area A1:C1 is totaled.


Returns the contents of a cell either from a one-row or one-column range. Optionally, the assigned value (of the same index) is returned in a different column and row. As opposed to VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP, search and result vector may be at different positions; they do not have to be adjacent. Additionally, the search vector for the LOOKUP must be sorted ascending, otherwise the search will not return any usable results.

Qaagishshu Bido LOOKUP hasate wonshi worcho afa hoogiro, hasate worbbichira jawiidi hornya wonshi worchotenni ajinoha woy taalinoha fiixoonsanno.

Hasate irko shallagote handaari ganye . "baala.*"eesa dandaato, lawishu gede "baala" hikoyino fikiimuni harunsinoha umi ofola afi'rate. Miteekite borrote hasa hasiritoro hatino ganye shallagote handaarati, ayee fikiima \ fikiimi ledo balaxiisi. Umi loosaanchu keeno ganye shallagote handaara hunate faninna hunira - LibreOffice Calc - Shallagamme.


HASI(Hasi wonshiworcho; Hasiraga; Gumiraga)

SearchCriterion is the value to be searched for; entered either directly or as a reference.

SearchVector is the single-row or single-column area to be searched.

ResultVector is another single-row or single-column range from which the result of the function is taken. The result is the cell of the result vector with the same index as the instance found in the search vector.

Mullicho bisiccuwa amada


=LOOKUP(A1;D1:D100;F1:F100) searches the corresponding cell in range D1:D100 for the number you entered in A1. For the instance found, the index is determined, for example, the 12th cell in this range. Then, the contents of the 12th cell are returned as the value of the function (in the result vector).


Searches for a value and reference to the cells below the selected area. This function verifies if the first row of an array contains a certain value. The function returns then the value in a row of the array, named in the Index, in the same column.

Hasate irko shallagote handaari ganye . "baala.*"eesa dandaato, lawishu gede "baala" hikoyino fikiimuni harunsinoha umi ofola afi'rate. Miteekite borrote hasa hasiritoro hatino ganye shallagote handaarati, ayee fikiima \ fikiimi ledo balaxiisi. Umi loosaanchu keeno ganye shallagote handaara hunate faninna hunira - LibreOffice Calc - Shallagamme.


HLOOKUP(SearchCriterion; Array; Index; Sorted)

See also: VLOOKUP (columns and rows are exchanged)

Mullicho bisiccuwa amada


baxxino hornya fiixoonsanno diru giddo uduunnichunnihu ofollaha shiqino darga qolanno. asiishshu aleege la"ate-diri hornya kiirote gede anfanni ofolla qolanno.


MATCH(SearchCriterion; LookupArray; Dana)

SearchCriterion is the value which is to be searched for in the single-row or single-column array.

LookupArray is the reference searched. A lookup array can be a single row or column, or part of a single row or column.

Type may take the values 1, 0, or -1. If Type = 1 or if this optional parameter is missing, it is assumed that the first column of the search array is sorted in ascending order. If Type = -1 it is assumed that the column in sorted in descending order. This corresponds to the same function in Microsoft Excel.

If Type = 0, only exact matches are found. If the search criterion is found more than once, the function returns the index of the first matching value. Only if Type = 0 can you search for regular expressions (if enabled in calculation options) or wildcards (if enabled in calculation options).

Dana = 1 woy sayiikki eishshi hawmiro, goofimarchu hornyi mashalaqisaanchi hasate wonshiworchinni ajiro woy taalo ikkro qolamanno. Kuni hasote diri dirama hoogiro nafa loosanno. Danu = -1, umi hornyo higginotenni roortanno woy taaltanno.

Hasate irko shallagote handaari ganye . "baala.*"eesa dandaato, lawishu gede "baala" hikoyino fikiimuni harunsinoha umi ofola afi'rate. Miteekite borrote hasa hasiritoro hatino ganye shallagote handaarati, ayee fikiima \ fikiimi ledo balaxiisi. Umi loosaanchu keeno ganye shallagote handaara hunate faninna hunira - LibreOffice Calc - Shallagamme.


=MATCH(200;D1:D100) searches the area D1:D100, which is sorted by column D, for the value 200. As soon as this value is reached, the number of the row in which it was found is returned. If a higher value is found during the search in the column, the number of the previous row is returned.


aamamino maqisaanchinni boode haawiittimmootunna caccafootu bisiccote kaimu fanfe hornyo qolanno.


OFFSET(Maqishsha; Hawiittimmoota; Caccafoota; Hojja; Baqo)

Reference is the reference from which the function searches for the new reference.

Rows is the number of rows by which the reference was corrected up (negative value) or down. Use 0 to stay in the same row.

Columns is the number of columns by which the reference was corrected to the left (negative value) or to the right. Use 0 to stay in the same column

Height (optional) is the vertical height for an area that starts at the new reference position.

Width (optional) is the horizontal width for an area that starts at the new reference position.

Arguments Rows and Columns must not lead to zero or negative start row or column.

Arguments Height and Width must not lead to zero or negative count of rows or columns.

LibreOffice Calc Assishshuwi giddo, Baxi-giwo gede malatisantino eishshuuwa agura dandiinannihu aane daanno eishshi hoogirooti. Lawishshaho, shoolu eishshi assishshira, lamu jeeffote eishshuwi "baxi-giwo" gede malaatisanturo, eishsha 4 woy 3 nna 4 eishshuwa agura dandaatto, kayinnilla eishsha 4 calla huna didandaatto.


=OFFSET(A1;2;2) returns the value in cell C3 (A1 moved by two rows and two columns down). If C3 contains the value 100 this function returns the value 100.

=OFFSET(B2:C3;1;1) returns a reference to B2:C3 moved down by 1 row and one column to the right (C3:D4).

=OFFSET(B2:C3;-1;-1) returns a reference to B2:C3 moved up by 1 row and one column to the left (A1:B2).

=OFFSET(B2:C3;0;0;3;4) returns a reference to B2:C3 resized to 3 rows and 4 columns (B2:E4).

=OFFSET(B2:C3;1;0;3;4) returns a reference to B2:C3 moved down by one row resized to 3 rows and 4 columns (B3:E5).

=SUM(OFFSET(A1;2;2;5;6)) determines the total of the area that starts in cell C3 and has a height of 5 rows and a width of 6 columns (area=C3:H7).

Qaagishshu Bido If the width or height is included, the OFFSET function returns a range and thus must be entered as an array formula. If both the width and height are missing, a cell reference is returned.


bisiccote maqishshiha caccafote kiiro qolanno. Maqishshu bisicco ikkiro caccafote kiiro higgino; maqishshu bisiccote qarqara ikiro, dira afirimalu babbaxxitino caccafote kiirrara diru afirimali gede ikke eiro tirchu-hawiittimma giddo qolantino. COLUMN asiishshu diru afirimaliqarqaru maqishshin eishshi ledo kaa'la hoogiro, qarqaru giddo umi bisicco caccafo kiiro calla gumulantino.



Reference is a cell, an area, or the name of an area.

Eino maqishshi hoogiro, bisiccote afirimali eino caccafote kiiro heedhanno. LibreOffice Calki umi-loosaanchi muli bisiccora maqishsha qineessanno.


=ROW(B3) returns 3 because the reference refers to the third row in the table.

{=ROW(D5:D8)} returns the single-column array (5, 6, 7, 8) because the reference specified contains rows 5 through 8.

=ROW(D5:D8) returns 5 because the ROW function is not used as array formula and only the number of the first row of the reference is returned.

{=ROW(A1:E1)} and =ROW(A1:E1) both return 1 because the reference only contains row 1 as the first row in the table. (Because single-row areas only have one row number it does not make any difference whether or not the formula is used as an array formula.)

=ROW() returns 3 if the formula was entered in row 3.

{=ROW(Rabbit)} returns the single-column array (1, 2, 3) if "Rabbit" is the named area (C1:D3).


Returns the number of rows in a reference or array.



Array is the reference or named area whose total number of rows is to be determined.


=Rows(B5) returns 1 because a cell only contains one row.

=ODD(1.2) 3 qolanno.

=ROWS(Rabbit) returns 3 if "Rabbit" is the named area (C1:D3).


maqishshunnita shittete kiiro woy shittete su'minni shiqino naanni fikiima qolanno. ayee eishsha ea hoogittoro, gumu afirimala amaddino isipiridishittera shittete kiirooti.



Reference is optional and is the reference to a cell, an area, or a sheet name string.


=SHEET(Sheet2.A1) returns 2 if Sheet2 is the second sheet in the spreadsheet document.


maqishshu giddo shittete kiiro gumulanno. ayee eishshubba ea hoogittoro, muli bortaje giddo shittuwate kiiro qolanno.



Reference is the reference to a sheet or an area. This parameter is optional.


=SHEETS(Sheet1.A1:Sheet3.G12) returns 3 if Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3 exist in the sequence indicated.


Applies a style to the cell containing the formula. After a set amount of time, another style can be applied. This function always returns the value 0, allowing you to add it to another function without changing the value. Together with the CURRENT function you can apply a color to a cell depending on the value. For example: =...+STYLE(IF(CURRENT()>3;"red";"green")) applies the style "red" to the cell if the value is greater than 3, otherwise the style "green" is applied. Both cell formats have to be defined beforehand.


STYLE("Style"; Time; "Style2")

Style is the name of a cell style assigned to the cell. Style names must be entered in quotation marks.

Time is an optional time range in seconds. If this parameter is missing the style will not be changed after a certain amount of time has passed.

Style2 is the optional name of a cell style assigned to the cell after a certain amount of time has passed. If this parameter is missing "Default" is assumed.

LibreOffice Calc Assishshuwi giddo, Baxi-giwo gede malatisantino eishshuuwa agura dandiinannihu aane daanno eishshi hoogirooti. Lawishshaho, shoolu eishshi assishshira, lamu jeeffote eishshuwi "baxi-giwo" gede malaatisanturo, eishsha 4 woy 3 nna 4 eishshuwa agura dandaatto, kayinnilla eishsha 4 calla huna didandaatto.


=STYLE("Invisible";60;"Default") formats the cell in transparent format for 60 seconds after the document was recalculated or loaded, then the Default format is assigned. Both cell formats have to be defined beforehand.

Since STYLE() has a numeric return value of zero, this return value gets appended to a string. This can be avoided using T() as in the following example


See also CURRENT() for another example.


Vertical search with reference to adjacent cells to the right. This function checks if a specific value is contained in the first column of an array. The function then returns the value in the same row of the column named by Index. If the Sorted parameter is omitted or set to TRUE or one, it is assumed that the data is sorted in ascending order. In this case, if the exact SearchCriterion is not found, the last value that is smaller than the criterion will be returned. If Sorted is set to FALSE or zero, an exact match must be found, otherwise the error Error: Value Not Available will be the result. Thus with a value of zero the data does not need to be sorted in ascending order.

Hasate irko shallagote handaari ganye . "baala.*"eesa dandaato, lawishu gede "baala" hikoyino fikiimuni harunsinoha umi ofola afi'rate. Miteekite borrote hasa hasiritoro hatino ganye shallagote handaarati, ayee fikiima \ fikiimi ledo balaxiisi. Umi loosaanchu keeno ganye shallagote handaara hunate faninna hunira - LibreOffice Calc - Shallagamme.


=VLOOKUP(SearchCriterion; Array; Index; Sorted)

SearchCriterion is the value searched for in the first column of the array.

Array is the reference, which is to comprise at least two columns.

Index is the number of the column in the array that contains the value to be returned. The first column has the number 1.

Sorted is an optional parameter that indicates whether the first column in the array is sorted in ascending order. Enter the Boolean value FALSE or zero if the first column is not sorted in ascending order. Sorted columns can be searched much faster and the function always returns a value, even if the search value was not matched exactly, if it is between the lowest and highest value of the sorted list. In unsorted lists, the search value must be matched exactly. Otherwise the function will return this message: Error: Value Not Available.

Mullicho bisiccuwa amada


You want to enter the number of a dish on the menu in cell A1, and the name of the dish is to appear as text in the neighboring cell (B1) immediately. The Number to Name assignment is contained in the D1:E100 array. D1 contains 100, E1 contains the name Vegetable Soup, and so forth, for 100 menu items. The numbers in column D are sorted in ascending order; thus, the optional Sorted parameter is not necessary.

B1:giddo aananno afirimala ei:


A1 B1giddo kiiro eitto gedeenni layinki caccafo giddo maqishsha D1:E100 borrote baxxa leellishanno. Shiqqinokki kiiro eatenniborro woroonni aantenno kiiro ledo leellishanno. Konne gargarate, afirimalu giddo nookki kiiro e'u yannara kalaqantino so'rote sokka goofimarchu eishshi gede FALSE ei.