
Faankishinoota Kuusdeetaa

kutaan kun faankkishinoota deetaa akka deetaa tarree tokkotti galmee tokkoof gurmaa'e waliin fayyadamaman ibsa.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo Akaakuun kuusdeetaa,kuusdeetaaLibreOffice keessatti tokkummaa'eetiin jaanja'uu ni danda'a.Haata'u malee,kuusdeetaa LibreOffice keessa jiruu fi akaakuu kuusdeetaa LibreOffice Calc keessa jiru gidduu wal quunnamtiin hin jiru.

Fakkeenya Deetaa

Deetaan armaan gadii fakkeenyota ibsa faankishinii muraasa keessatti fayyaduu ni danda'a.

Hangiin A1:E10 daa'imman kabaja guyyaa dhaloota 'Joe'f afeeraman tarreessa.Odeeffannoon armaan gadii tokko tokkkoo galiinsaaf kennama:tarjaan A maqaa agarsiisa, Bn kutaa, sana booda ummurii waggaadhaan, fageenya mana barumsaattii meetiraan fi ulfaatina kiloogiraamaan.










Fageenya Mana barumsaattii






























































Fageenya Mana barumsaattii








Foormulaan mandhee B16 keessaa =DCOUNT(A1:E10;0;A13:E14)

Ulaagaalee Kuusdeetaa Faankishinii

Wantootni armaan gadii faankishinoota kuusdeetaa hundaaf hiikota ulaagaati.

Kuusdeetaan hammanga ma'ee kuusaa deetaa ibsa.

DatabaseField specifies the column where the function operates on after the search criteria of the first parameter is applied and the data rows are selected. It is not related to the search criteria itself. For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a reference to a header cell or a number to specify the column within the Database area, starting with 1. To reference a column by means of the literal column header name, place quotation marks around the header name.

Ulaagaa barbaadijedhu hammanga man'ee ulaagaa barbaadi jedhu of keessaa qaba.Yoo ulaagaa baay'ee tarree tokko keessatti barreessitan AND walqabatu.Yoo ulaagaa tarree adda addaa keessatti barreessitan OR dhaan walqabata.Man'ee duuwwan ulaagaa barbaadi jedhu keessaa hin fayyadamnu.

Choose - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate to define how LibreOffice Calc acts when searching for identical entries.

See also the Wiki page about Conditional Counting and Summation.


DAVERAGE giddugala gatii man'eewwan hundaa tarreewwan hundaa(galmee kuusdeetaa)kan ulaagaa barbaachaa murtaa'e waliin walgitan deebisa.

The search supports regular expressions. You can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must precede every character with a \ character. You can switch the automatic evaluation of regular expression on and off in - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


DAVERAGE(Kuusdeetaa;Dirree kuusdeetaa;Ulaagaa sakata'aa)

For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a reference to a header cell or a number to specify the column within the Database area, starting with 1. To reference a column by means of the literal column header name, place quotation marks around the header name.


Fakkeenya armaan olii keessaa giddugala ulfaatina daa'imman waggaa walqixaa barbaaduuf foormulaa armaan gadii B16 keessa galchaa:


Tarree 14 keessa, Umrii jalatti, 7, 8, 9, kkf, walduubaa dura galchi. Umriin jiddugaleessaa daa'imman umrii walfakkaataa qaban maraa ni mul'ata.


DCOUNT tiin baay'ina tarreewwanii kan kuusdeetaa keessa jiru,kan ulaagaa barbaadi fi gatii lakkoofsaa of keessaa qabu lakkaa'a..

The search supports regular expressions. You can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must precede every character with a \ character. You can switch the automatic evaluation of regular expression on and off in - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


DCOUNT(Kuusdeetaa;Dirree kuusdeetaa;Ulaagaa sakata'aa)

If the DatabaseField argument is omitted, DCOUNT returns the count of all records that satisfy Criteria. For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a reference to a header cell or a number to specify the column within the Database area, starting with 1. To reference a column by means of the literal column header name, place quotation marks around the header name.


Fakkeenya armaan olii keessatti (olmari,maaloo),wanti beekuu barbaannu daa'imti tokko meetira 600 mana baruumsaa hammam deemu danda'a.Firiin argame man'ee B16 keessatti kuufama.Qaree man'ee B16 keessatti qindeessi.Foormullaa=DCOUNT(A1:E10;0;A13:E14) B16 keessatti galchi.Funkishiniin wizardiihammanga naquufisin fayyada.

Kuusdeetaan hammanga deetaa,matduree dabalatee as keessatti A1:E10 isa madaalamuudha. Dirreen kuusdeetaatarjaa ulaagaa sakata'uu adda baasa.As keessatti,kuusdaata hunda.ulaagaan barbaachaa hammanga iddoo jijjiiramaa barbaadnu itti galchinuudha.As keessatti, A13:E14 dha.

Daa'imman waggaa 7 olii meeqa akka ta'an baruuf man'ee D14 keessaa galfata >600 haquu fi man'ee B14 keessatti 2 galchuu fi man'ee >gara mirgaatti 7 galchuudha.Firiin 2 ta'a.Daa'imman waggaa 7 olii lama kutaa lammaffaadha.Ulaagaan lammeenuu waan tarree tokko keessa ta'aniif AND dhaan walqabatu.


DCOUNTA tarreewwan (kuusaawwan)kuusdeetaa ulaagaalee barbaadi jedhu wajjin walgitu fi gatii lakkoofsa ykn kottoonfachiisa of keessaa qabu lakkaa'a.

The search supports regular expressions. You can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must precede every character with a \ character. You can switch the automatic evaluation of regular expression on and off in - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


DCOUNT(Kuusdeetaa;Dirree kuusdeetaa;Ulaagaa sakata'aa)

If the DatabaseField argument is omitted, DCOUNTA returns the count of all records that satisfy Criteria. For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a reference to a header cell or a number to specify the column within the Database area, starting with 1. To reference a column by means of the literal column header name, place quotation marks around the header name.


Fakkeenya armaan olii keessatti (olmari,maaloo),ijjoollee maqaan isaanii E ykn qubee itti aanuun jalqabu baay'ina isaanii beekuu dandeenya.=DCOUNTA(A1:E10;"Age";A13:E14)dubbisuudhaaf foormullaa B16 keessa jiru gulaalaa. Ulaagaa barbaachaa duraa fi >=E maqaa dirree A14 jala jiru haqa.Firiin 5 ta'a. Yoo amma gatii lakkoofsa hundaa Greta tarree 8 keessa jiruuf, firiin isaa gara 4 tti jijjiirama. Tarreen 8 asitti hin dabalamu sababni isaas gatii hin qabu. Maqaan Greta jedhu barruudha,gatii miti. Hub dirreen kuusdeetaa tarjaa gatii qabu agarsiisuu qaba.


DGET man'ee qabeentootaa wabii ta'ee kuusdeeta keessa kan ulaagaa sakata'aa ibsaa. Yeroo dogoogoraa ,faankishiniin #VALUE!kan tarree hin qabneef ykn Err502 man'ee tokkoo oliif deebisa.

The search supports regular expressions. You can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must precede every character with a \ character. You can switch the automatic evaluation of regular expression on and off in - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


DGET(Kuusdeetaa;Dirree kuusdeetaa;Ulaagaa sakata'aa)

For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a reference to a header cell or a number to specify the column within the Database area, starting with 1. To reference a column by means of the literal column header name, place quotation marks around the header name.


Fakkeenya armaa olii keessatti (olmari,maaloo)warreen maqaan isaanii man'ee A14 keessa galan kutaa isaanii murteessuu barbaanne.Foormullaan man'ee B16 keessa gala.Fakkeenya darberraa xiqqoo adda kunis sababa dirreen kuusdeetaatiif tarjaan tokko qofa galuufi.DatabaseFieldFoormullaa armaan gadii galchi:


Maqaa FrankA14 galchi,kanaafis firii 2 argata.Frank kutaa lammaffaadha.Iddoo "Kutaa" "umurii" yoo buufte umurii Frank argatta.

Ykn gatii11 man'ee C14 keessa qofa galchi.Achumaanis galfata tarree keessaa hunda haqi.Foormulaa B11 keessaa akka armaan gadiitti gulaalaa:


Iddoo kutaa ,maqaatu gaafatama.Deebiin altakka mul'ata:Daniel qofatu daa'ima umurii 11 ti.


DMAX qabeentaa guddaa man'ee kuusdeetaa keessa jiru kan haala barbaachaa deebisa.

The search supports regular expressions. You can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must precede every character with a \ character. You can switch the automatic evaluation of regular expression on and off in - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


DMAX(Kuusdeetaa;Dirree kuusdeetaa;Ulaagaa sakata'aa)

For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a reference to a header cell or a number to specify the column within the Database area, starting with 1. To reference a column by means of the literal column header name, place quotation marks around the header name.


Fakkeenya armaa olii keessaa(maaloo,olmari) tokko tokkoo kutaa irraa ulfaatina daa'ima baay'ee ulfaatuu barbaaduuf,foormulaa armaan gadii B16 keessa galchaa.


Kutaa jallati, enter 1, 2, 3, fi kkf,duraa dubaan galchi.Edda lakkoofsa kutaa galchitee booda, ulfaatina daa'ima kutaa sana keessatti hundarra ulfaatu argatta.


DMAX qabeentaa xiqqaa man'ee(dirree) kuusdeetaa keessa jiru kan ulaagaa barbaachaan walgitu deebisa.

The search supports regular expressions. You can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must precede every character with a \ character. You can switch the automatic evaluation of regular expression on and off in - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


DMIN(Kuusdeetaa;Dirree kuusdeetaa;Ulaagaa sakata'aa)

For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a reference to a header cell or a number to specify the column within the Database area, starting with 1. To reference a column by means of the literal column header name, place quotation marks around the header name.


Fakkeenya armaan olii keessaa(maaloo,olmari) tokko tokkoon kutaa irraa daa'imman mana baruumsaatti baay'ee dhiyaatan barbaaduuf,foormulaa armaan gadii B16 keessa galchaa:

=DMIN(A1:E10;"Fageenya gara mana baruumsaa";A13:E14)

Tarree 14, kutaa jalatti,1, 2, 3, fi kkf,walduraa duubaan galcha.Kutaa hundaa fageenyi baay'ee gabaabaa ta'e ni argama.


DPRODUCT man'eewwan hundaa kan hammanga deetaa qabeentoonni man'ee ulaagaa barbaachaan walgitan baay'isa.

The search supports regular expressions. You can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must precede every character with a \ character. You can switch the automatic evaluation of regular expression on and off in - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


DPRODUCT(Kuusaa;Dirree kuusdeetaa;Ulaagaa sakata'aa)

For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a reference to a header cell or a number to specify the column within the Database area, starting with 1. To reference a column by means of the literal column header name, place quotation marks around the header name.


Fakkeenya armaan olii keessatti (maaloo,olmari)qophiin guyyaa dhalootaa ,fankishinii kanaaf faayidaa hin qabu.


DSTDEV Istaandaardii diveeshinii ummataa fakkeenya irratti hundaa'udhaan ,lakkoofsota,kuusdeetaa tarjaa keessaa fayyadamuudhaan haala walgituun shallaga. Kuusaan akka fakkeenya deetaatti eegama.kana jechuun daa'imman fakkeenya irratti fudhataman amala daa'imman hundaa qabu.Hub.firiin bakka bu'u fakkeenya 1000 gad ta'uu hin qabu.

The search supports regular expressions. You can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must precede every character with a \ character. You can switch the automatic evaluation of regular expression on and off in - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


DSTDEV(Kuusdeetaa;Dirree kuusdeetaa;Ulaagaa sakata'aa)

For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a reference to a header cell or a number to specify the column within the Database area, starting with 1. To reference a column by means of the literal column header name, place quotation marks around the header name.


Fakkeenya armaan oliitiif(maaloo,olmari) istaandaardii diveeshinii ulfaatina daa'imman hundaa kan umuriin walqixaa barbaaduuf foormulaa armaan gadii B16 keessatti galchaa.


Tarree 14, kutaa jalatti,7, 8, 9, fi kkf,walduraa duubaan galcha.Firiin argamu istaandaardii diveeshii ulfaatina daa'imman hundaa ta'a.


DSTDEVP man'ee hammanga deetaa hunda irratti hundaa'uudhaan istaandaardii diveeshinii ulaagaa barbaachaa wajjin walgitu shallaga. Galmeen fakkeenya irraa argamu akka ummata walii galaatti tajaajila.

The search supports regular expressions. You can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must precede every character with a \ character. You can switch the automatic evaluation of regular expression on and off in - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


DSTDEVP(Kuusdeetaa;Dirree kuusdeetaa;Ulaagaa sakata'aa)

For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a reference to a header cell or a number to specify the column within the Database area, starting with 1. To reference a column by means of the literal column header name, place quotation marks around the header name.


Guyyaa dhaloota Joe irratti istaandaardii diveeshinii ulfaatina daa'imman hundaa umurii walqixa qabanii barbaaduuf (maaloo,olmari),foormulaa armaan gadii B16 keessa galchaa.


Tarree 14, kutaa jalatti,7, 8, 9, fi kkf,walduraa duubaan galchaa.Firiin argamu istaandaardii deveeshinii ulfaatina daa'imman hunda umurii walqixa qabanii ta'a.


DSUM man'eewwan walii galaa hunda kan dirree kuusdeetaa tarreewwan hundaa(galmee )keessaa ulaagaa barbaachaa murtaa'e waliin walgitan deebisa.

The search supports regular expressions. You can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must precede every character with a \ character. You can switch the automatic evaluation of regular expression on and off in - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


DSUM(Kuusdeetaa;Dirree kuusdeetaa;Ulaagaa sakata'aa)

For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a reference to a header cell or a number to specify the column within the Database area, starting with 1. To reference a column by means of the literal column header name, place quotation marks around the header name.


Guyyaa dhalootaa Joe irratti fageenya walii galaa daa'imman kutaa lammaffaa hundaa hanga mana baruumsaatti barbaaduuf (maaloo,olmari)foormulaa armaan gadi B16 keessatti galchaa.

=DSUM(A1:E10;"Fageenya gara mana baruumsatti";A13:E14)

Tarree 14 keessatti 2kutaa jalatti galchaa.Ida'amni(1950)fageenya daa'imman hundaa kutaa lammaffaa ni mul'ata.


DVAR vaaraansii man'ee hundaa kan dirree kuusdeetaa galmee hundaa keessa jiru kan ulaagaa barbaachisaan wal gitu deebisa. Galmeen fakkeenya irraa argame akka fakkeenyatti ilaalama.Firiin bakka bu'u fakkeenya ummataa 1000 gadi ta'uu hin qabu.

The search supports regular expressions. You can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must precede every character with a \ character. You can switch the automatic evaluation of regular expression on and off in - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


DVAR(Kuusdeetaa;Dirree kuusdeetaa;Ulaagaa sakata'aa)

For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a reference to a header cell or a number to specify the column within the Database area, starting with 1. To reference a column by means of the literal column header name, place quotation marks around the header name.


Fakkeenya armaan olii keessaa vaariyaansii ulfaatina daa'imman waggaa walqixaa barbaaduuf foormulaa armaan gadii B16 keessa galchaa:


Tarree 14, kutaa jalatti,7, 8, 9, fi kkf,walduraa duubaan galchaa.Firiin argamu vaariyaansii ulfaatina daa'imman hunda umurii walqixa qabanii ta'a.


DVAR vaaraansii man'ee hundaa kan dirree kuusdeetaa galmee hundaa keessa jiru kan ulaagaa barbaachisaan wal gitu deebisa. Galmeen fakkeenya irraa argame akka ummata walii galaatti tajaajila.

The search supports regular expressions. You can enter "all.*", for example to find the first location of "all" followed by any characters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must precede every character with a \ character. You can switch the automatic evaluation of regular expression on and off in - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate.


DVARP(Kuusdeetaa;Dirree kuusdeetaa;Ulaagaa sakata'aa)

For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a reference to a header cell or a number to specify the column within the Database area, starting with 1. To reference a column by means of the literal column header name, place quotation marks around the header name.


Guyyaa dhaloota Joe irratti vaariyaansii ulfaatina daa'imman hundaa umurii walqixa qabanii barbaaduuf (maaloo,olmari),foormulaa armaan gadii B16 keessa galchaa.


Tarree 14, kutaa jalatti,7, 8, 9, fi kkf,walduraa duubaan galchaa. vaariyaansii ulfaatina daa'imman hunda umurii walqixa qabanii kan qophii guyyaa dhaloota Joe irratti argamaniitu mul'ata.