JDBC tenging

Specifies the options to access a JDBC database.

JDBC dæmi

You can use a JDBC driver class to connect to a JDBC database from LibreOffice. The driver class is provided by the database manufacturer. Two examples of JDBC databases are Oracle and MySQL.

Táknmynd fyrir athugasemd The driver classes must be added to LibreOffice in - LibreOffice - Advanced.

Oracle gagnagrunnur

You can use a JDBC driver to access an Oracle database from Solaris or Linux. To access the database from Windows, you need an ODBC driver.

In the Data source URL box, enter the location of the Oracle database server. The syntax of the URL depends on the database type. See the documentation that came with the JDBC driver for more information.

For an Oracle database, the syntax of the URL is:


MySQL gagnagrunnur

The driver for the MySQL database is available on the MySQL web site.

The syntax for a MySQL database is:


Slóð á gagnagjafa URL

Enter the URL for the database. For example, for the MySQL JDBC driver, enter "jdbc:mysql://<Servername>/<name of the database>". For more information on the JDBC driver, consult the documentation that came with the driver.

JDBC klasarekill

Enter the name of the JDBC driver.

Táknmynd fyrir aðvörun Áður en þú getur notað JDBC rekil, verður að bæta slóðinni við fyrir klasana. Veldu - LibreOffice- Nánar, og smelltu á hnappinn Klasaslóð. Eftir að þú hefur bætt við slóð, endurræstu LibreOffice.


Tests the connection with the current settings.


Leiðarvísir fyrir gagnagrunna